Summoning The Sun (10/12/2022)

 Violet grabs a stone from outside as she orders some solar oil and a seal of Sorath, and a Seal Of The 7 Arch Angels Ring to protect her from Etsy. She grabs some rubbing alcohol from the cabinet and when everything is together, she takes a deep breath

“Alright. Let’s do this”

Violet will wait for the time the moon is void, when the moon does not show as she will sit down in silence and start to meditate

She will visualize the six-pointed Star with the solar-alchemy symbol in the center

Violet starts to chant

“Yod he vo eloa va daarth”

She takes a bowl she grabbed and touches the stone as she puts it in the bowl and uses the rubbing alcohol and solar oil to set the rock aflame

She then breaths as she sets the bowl over the Sorath seal as she continues to chant, hoping for this to work

Violet's vision becomes slightly blurry, with a blue tint over everything. The sky flickers to black, as things feel significantly darker.

Violet feels that it is working as she continues, not wanting to mess up

A woman with light skin and four arms wearing a dress that looks like it's from the 50s staggers into the room. She has a large sunflower with a singular eye for a head, and her movements are jerky, almost like she's lagging.

"What is it?" She demands, her voice sounding bitcrushed.

"Hello? Hello! Oh Sorath it is an honor to meet you! My name is Violet!"

Violet gives a polite bow

"I I KNOW your NAME." It hisses, its head shifting to look human before snapping back to the sunflower. The room flickers into a teenager's bedroom filled with computers before flickering back. "What IS IT???"

"I'm sorry for disturbing you. Melody describes so kindly of you. I wish for some questions to be answered. For why Catacombis is after me... it has something to do with the R053 project but they say I am somehow related or associated with you? May I have clarification? Again... my apologize for angering you and I hope I may do anything to make this anger not so"

"They They WANT ME sooo BAAHHHD BITcHES WAANT me" Her voice distorts and bitcrushes with each syllable.

Sorath's face melts and reforms, becoming low poly before becoming like an uncannily high quality image. Her hands become hooves like Maiden's feet before flickering back.

"Why do they want you? If I may ask? Is there any way I can help with your... um... glitching out?"

Sorath's face becomes an exact copy of Eurydice's, although slightly low-poly, and a bitcrushed manic laugh comes out of its mouth as its arms merge together.

"Theyy wan want me BACK THERE so they can BITE MY FUCKING HEAD OFF" it laughs as its head turns into that of a human with three faces, almost like Wormwood, although it's made up of Roxy, Claire, and Nammu.

"If you mind me asking, how are you connected to the R053s?"

Its face morphs into Roxy's as Eurydice's skullface bleeds through, tearing Roxy's open as it screams.


"And who might the magician be?"

Violet tries to look though notes to try and find something relating to it

Violet looks and finds...

"Raine? What do they have to do with this?"

It smiles and disperses with the sound of a window breaking. Violet's vision returns to normal. Sorath is gone.

"What in the world..."

Violet writes down every detail of the interaction before looking around to see if anything did break


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