Battle Of The Sun And Moon (3/29/23)

 Hinata returns to the forest for her daily jog.

Still jogging and also doing some solo kata with her twin katanas.

Violet walks into the woods as she starts dinging the bell

Hinata, who's still doing solo kata freezes in her tracks as her ears search for the source of the bell. "What the fuck? Where is that coming from?"

Her hearing is similar to Luna's in that they're extremely sensitive.

Hinata's eyes flash red here or there as she searches.

Violet starts ringing the bell in a rhythmic pattern, looking around to see if Hinata is talking her walk

Hinata is walking yes, but she's also looking for the source. Violet can hear her growling. Just by sound alone, the ringing of the bells are stressing her out.

Violet keeps ringing the bell, as she now starts to chant the trigger phrase with the hearing of the growling

As the phrase is being spoken aloud, Hinata screams in pain and clutches her head. The constant flashing red in her eyes slowly steadies. After a few moments of intense pain, she looks around with a dazed look in her eyes searching for her master.

Violet can probably find her rather easily now, the red glow provides a beacon of light to her location.

Violet walks towards Hinata, continuing to ring the bell

"Follow me..."

Violet say's walking towards the kiss house

Hinata follows without a word.

Violet and Hinata walk and arrive at the kiss house

"Now Hinata, I am going to cover your eyes with vines alright? Can't be showing them eyes around here! I also want you act like I have you a knife point! When Luna comes out of the house, you give her a hug and stab her. Can you do that?"

Hinata nods wordlessly.

"Thank you so much! Your a big help."

Violet wraps Hinata's eyes in vines, summoning a knife as she places it close to Hinata's neck

Conversation Between Luna Gray and Violet Naomi


You must think I'm a fucking fool.

I told you once before.

Oh then I guess Hinata will have to die then! What a shame!


You're bluffing.

Try me

Hinata wouldn't die so easily.

I have her at knife point as. we. speak.

Try me




Luna walks outside slightly hyperventilating.


"Now why would I do that! That's no fun!"

Violet says giggling, placing the knife closer

Krystal swaps in while Luna goes to refocus.

"You have no reason to hurt her Violet."

Krystal stays put sensing a trap.

"If you want her so badly... come and get her!"

Krystal does not move. "Okay, then why does she have vines on her eyes?"

"So she can be blind in these last moments. Beside, if you some how get the knife out of my hand... BOOM! There goes the summoned thorns into her skull!"

"Girl you have one hell of a bad tell. I can tell you're lying." she grins.

"You want to try!?"

Violet summons thorns around the vine on Hinata's skin, digging into her skin. Enough to bleed but do no lasting damage

"Try me!"

" would rather murder a LUNA than use her for her intended power. You utter fucking idiot."

"But fine. Have it your way." Krystal pulls out her love's marked broadsword and teleports behind Violet. She goes for a slash on her back.

Violet dodges by moving forward and putting Hinata in her place

Krystal reads the dodge and stops the slash. "Interesting. This will be good for our research." They have a smug grin on their face.

Violet gives a big sigh

"Your no fun! Fine, have your stupid sister."

Violet throws Hinata at Luna

Hinata wordlessly goes to hug Krystal. Krystal notes the red eyes and dodges out of the way.

"You god damn idiot. You expect an ADMIN of Solaire Enterprises to not recognize when a LUNA is not in her own control?"

"Fair fair... but let's try this!"

Violet smirks as she rushes to Krystal, trying to pin her down as chants the trigger phrase

Krystal is NOT Luna, so the phrase does not work. "You're an idiot."

"Oh then how about this?"

Violet grabs Luna's collar, trying to cut it off Luna's neck 

It appears to be made of some insanely strong material. It does not cut. Nor does there seem to be a way to remove it.


{"You tell em Krystal!"}

Violet's eyes widen is shock that it is this strong and that it did not work but behind that it might look that she is... relieved that it did not work?


Violet grips her head as the thorns grow a bit into Violet's head as she looks to Luna in rage, attempting to strike her with a thorn whip

Krystal blips out of the way, attempting to dodge each strike. "You're gonna have to do better than that if you wanna beat us."

Luna internally notes the thorn crown finding it interesting while Krystal keeps defending.

Hinata is just standing there waiting for a command.

"Hinata? Attack Luna now, give it everything you got."

Hinata does as commanded and strikes at Krystal with everything she's got. This includes her phone, a few rocks and sticks she picked up from the forest, and the twin katanas. Just fucking yeeting them at her and missing a lot of the hits.

One of the rocks makes purchase though, which causes Krystal to groan.

"You don't even know how to control them? You gotta be a bit more precise in your wording."

"Hinata, attack Luna with your twin katanas. Full power."

Hinata seems kind of tired, but she still goes for the strike.

Krystal blocks the sword strikes swiftly with her own sword. A few of the strikes from Hinata land though, which causes Krystal's body to bleed. Even so, she is taking all of the hits and watching Hinata tire out.

"Once again. You challenged an ADMIN of Solaire Enterprises to a battle with one of my former subjects. If you expect me not to know how they tick, you're horribly mistaken."

Violet rolls her eyes

"Your seriously no fun!"

Violet quantum jumps behind Luna, summoning a sword, as she try's to back stab her 

Krystal attempts to roll out of the way but it fails. The strike makes purchase and her back is stabbed. Hinata continues to strike until her Mana runs out and causes her to collapse.

"Shi--" she coughs blood.

Violet looks to Hinata as she scoffs

"Weak but whatever..."

Violet looks to Luna, with a grin and... wait are those tears? No they can't be.

Violet takes her sword, trying to plung it into Luna

Hinata is on the ground collapsed. Luna is also collapsed and bleeding profusely.

Violet try’s aiming and stabbing at her head, if not then her back

Cole bursts through the door and draws his glock as he shoots Violet in her arms before the stab can connect

"called it,," she faints.

Violet gets hit with bullet in an arm as she coils back, holding up Luna as a shield from any bullets, trying to stab her in the back in the process

the stabs make purchase. She is literally a rag doll now.

Cole aims a shot at Violet's knee cap that is exposed due to Luna's height


Violet get’s hit but pushes through, trying to slice at Luna’s throat before she disappears with a deafing cackle

Luna literally cannot defend against that. It works.

She is on the ground near death.


Cole races to Luna's side and heals her before quickly moving to Hinata to heal her wound

Luna is still unconscious.

The healing works at least.

Hinata is also healed but her eyes still glow red a bit. She's asleep. 

Cole holsters his glock and scoops Luna and Hinata into his arms and tucks them under his arms as he walks inside


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