Investigating The King(12/3/23)

The air shimmers as if the air temperature changed to a warmer temperature. A young blonde child appears, then is quickly replaced with an elderly woman, then settles down to a woman in her 20s with blonde hair, brown classy clothes, a single feather earring, wings, and a flower crown adorning her head. She wears a cloak covering her features and clothing as if to hide herself from any suspecting eyes. She looks around, observing the area before heading inside Violet appears outside a brick building with CGI lettering on top of the building, in front of her is a revolving door that leads to a very plush-looking lobby with a receptionist idly doing some paperwork Violet walks inside with her cloak up, looking for a chair to sit on while she waits for Lucio The receptionist pays Violet no mind as he continues filling paperwork Soon after sitting down a 5'8" mexican-black man strolls into the lobby wearing a black dress shirt with a golden nameplate that reads "Lucio"...