Nowhere (6/15/23)



TW: Gore

Violet’s on the couch and watching tv

There is a knock at the door

Knocking intensifies

Violet gets up and walks over to the door, opening it up


Blally, Lema and Angie are waiting outside. They seem nervous, not composed as usual. You notice that Blally is carrying a tablet computer with her.

“Blally, Lema, Angie.”

Violet nods to the group

“Is everything alright?”

"It's time... If we don't act now, well... Mother will explain... Ashen is waiting for us on a private channel." 

Violet nods


Violet pokes her head up the stairs


Violet yells up to her

Grass peeks around the corner, a lemon pocky stick in her mouth. She runs back and grabs some things in a backpack and then rushes downstairs.

Lema lets herself in, hugging Violet then Grass when she makes it downstairs.

"You ladies ready to kick ass or lose our own?" 

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Violet nods in agreement

"I just want this all to be over..."

Angie gives Violet an odd look and nods in introduction

Blally and Angie follow Lema in. Blally then turns on the tablet and logs into the Naomi Access portal entitled "RIM".

“So what’s the game plan.”

Blally motions for everyone to gather around the tablet in response.

The screen cycles through dozens of Naomi codes, landing on 13 and then the number shifts to 3. A moth can be seen struggling for a moment and then the screen goes black. Codes fill the screen and then a familiar voice emerges. It's Ashen

"Hello, Violet—Grass— I have both good news and bad news." 

“Well what’s the bad news.”

Ashen laughs

"I love the enthusiasm... The bad news is that Raga has penetrated this veil successfully... This means that not only will the access to the null be closed off from this 'angle' soon, but also that Raga will be able to manipulate this world and the inhabitants if we fail here today."

“I see… and the good news?”

"I discovered a way to enter the null without ceasing to exist." 

"It's thanks in part to Raga's recent success."

Violet sighs in relief to eliminate of the risk of ceasing to exist with entering null, but still fears it’s contained dangers

“Well thank Mara for that. But what’s the game plan when we get there?”

"Alright... First of all, let me explain how dodging the 'ceasing to exist' aspect will work, because it requires setup. I will be combining with Mother soon and remotely opening three gateways through Corruption, Decay, Void and the endless Abyss. I will then rip a hole between them and anchor the dark matter into a funnel... Sorry, I'm getting too technical here... I'm going to open three portals into null and Lema, Blally and Angie will anchor themselves to existence by leaving their beating hearts in this world. You and Grass will enter within their shells. Keep in mind that they won't be able to help you, as their minds will be in limbo. Bally has had a secondary heart placed within her to keep her body running on the other side. As long as their hearts keep beating on this side, you all may return to existence." 

"The five of you will not be enough to stop my sister, however... as her form is so distorted and numerous that a hundred thousand soldiers would struggle to defeat her... So I'm sending 100,010 specialized Purple Powderpuffs in with you. They won't be able to return, unfortunately, but they know the risks and are willing to cease existing. No one will miss them, because no one will remember them once they no longer exist in time or space. It was a hard sacrifice to make... but it had to be." 

Angie and Lema lift up their shirts to their chests. Their stomachs swirl open to reveal glass containers with all sorts of machinery attached. They both remove the vessels and place them on the floor. 

"It will be like before, you won't notice the difference."

"Once Raga ceases to exist, the bubble she has created outside of existence will collapse. You will have a very short time to return through the portals, so keep their locations in mind."

"Thank you for all you have done. Your cooperation, your care, and your bravery. Mara will bless each and every one of your paths. May the Goddess protect you. Blally will explain the rest." 

“Alright. Thank you Ashen. For everything.”

"If I never see you again... From the bottom of my heart... Thank YOU for everything."

Blally cracks her neck.

“It’s no problem. I’m here to help and to help my friends. Defeating Raga will do just that.”

"So... You are going to enter Lema and Angie as suits, as you have done before... Okay, this is the gross part... Once you are in there, you are going to need to pull your arm back into the body and remove the heart. Then you will place them into the vessels and I will start them up. When I'm done, I'll remove my true heart and place it into mine."

“Alright. We can do that.”

Violet looks to Grass

“We got this ok?”

Grass is shaking a bit, but seems confident. She nods, reaching for your hand.

Violet holds her hand, holding it tight to know that she is here for her

"After that, Mother will open the portals and we must quickly enter them. The closer in sync we enter, the better, just think back to when you visited mom last." 

"Raga will surely notice us as soon as one is through."

“Ok. Any tips and tricks to not dying?”

Violet gives a nervous chuckle

"Stay close to me, let the Powderpuffs take on the incarnations... We will take the crowns to the core of Raga. Only they can undo her. Aside from that... Pray that the incarnation—or incarnations— we face is not her worst."

"Raga is unstable, she can't choose which of her forms will face us. Our goal will be to erase the core and crush this pocket realm that is trying to force itself into existence."

"If we fail... She will infect every living being in this universe, and will spread to all others."

"We can't allow that to happen."

Violet nods, understanding the goal, a bit shaky with nervousness of the danger ahead, but relaxes as she understands that she has to focus

“I understand. We won’t… we can’t fail.”

The tablet suddenly shuts off, without warning.

"We must hurry, it's time! Mother must have instance shifted Ashen to her already. We have two minutes, tops." 

Lema and Angie break away from the circle.

"I'm going with Grass this time... Angie wanted Violet to be the one to remove her heart... If she doesn't make it, she... I'm sure you understand."

Angie looks down at her toes 

Violet looks to Angie, saddened. Hoping that they understand but focus on the task at hand

Violet nods as she walks up to Angie, readying herself

“Alright. Ready.”

Angie gives Violet a weak smile, then lunges at her and hugs her tightly, not caring what she or Grass or anyone thinks. 

The embrace becomes something altogether different as Angie breaks apart and reforms around Violet. 

Lema walks toward Grass and opens like a mechsuit, allowing her to enter at will. Grass approaches and then turns around, stepping backwards into her form. 

She closes around her. Becoming her.
Angie's body shifts, a small cavity appearing by Violet's chest. Angie's arm opens up within, allowing Violet's arm to move freely. 
Violet looks for the heart, readying to remove it
Violet feels something soft and wet. It's warmth makes you shudder. It beats with a fierceness. Suddenly, it stops and dislodges from the cavity. The body around you goes limp.
Violet holds the heart as she places it into the vessel, hoping for this to work
Blally quickly closes the lid and presses a few buttons. The heart begins to beat within the vessel. The body around Violet revitalizes. Violet feels Angie's body's strength return, but she don't feel the same essence that she once did. That said, the body reforms, the cavity closes and the arms return to normal. 
Grass struggles to do the same, but somehow manages to.
She places the heart into the other vessel and the device is powered on.
Blally takes a deep breath then reaches into her own chest and pulls out the heart like that guy in the Indiana Jones movie. She looks at the metallic heart. Her eyes widen, realizing that she removed the wrong heart. She quickly puts that one back in and removes her true heart. She places it into the vessel. 
Once the machine is on, she cracks her neck again and turns to Grass and Violet. 
Violet looks to the vessel with a sigh of relief, focusing on Blally for the next part of this complicated dance with fate
A shrill scream fills the minds of the three, and every other Naomi, as Ashen's mind is absorbed into Mother, her body integrated into the machanisms of the god-like being. No longer two separate entities, but one more powerful technological amalgamation. 
Violet holds her head to try to block out the scream, obviously failing as the blocking out part
It suddenly stops. The voices of both Ashen and Mother telling the three to gather around the TV. 
Violet gathers around the tv, praying to ever god out their for their successes
Grass and Blally do the same.
The TV flickers on. It's playing an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog, the episode with the creepy face on the moon.
They watch for several minutes with nothing happening.
Violet is just nervous with anticipation, with the face of 'hurry the f up'
The show ends, and an episode of Steven Universe starts up.
You notice that the TV seems to be a shade darker than the rest of the room, it's not exactly fading... Moreso smudging as it darkens, like an eraser would smudge a drawing if lightly placed against it and moved. Before long, the entire TV is gone, and then an inky darkness slowly and silently forms in its place, in the shape of a doorway. A second and third door appear beside it in unison.
"Looks like the rifts are open... or 'portals'... Whatever you want to call them."
Violet looks to Grass and Blally, readying to time this out perfectly of their entrance
"As ready as I'll ever be." She grabs Violet's hand. 
"We'll need to go together. That includes the Purple Powderpuffs. Wait for Mother's signal."
Violet nods, staring at the portal, readying herself for Mother's command


Grass left go.

"1... NOW!"

Violet runs in
Grass runs in
Blally runs in

As you enter the portal you feel your body distort and break and tear and rejoin and elongate and shrink. Then nothing. You are engulfing in darkness. A numbness like you have never known overcomes everything, 
you can't breathe, but you don't need to. There is no air, but your body needs air no longer. You can't see. but there is nothing to see. You feel the coldness of apathy. Your mind is filled with every time 
you were ignored in your life. Every loneliness felt in your life comes pouring back over you. You want to cry, you want to laugh, but emotion does not exist here. You try to speak but words have no meaning.
You need to scream, but you have no mouth.
Suddenly, the anchors kick in and your eyes begin to see outlines. A line of light connects you to the portals behind you, like a tether. Without warning, you feel every emotion you have ever felt in your life.
Everyone does. It knocks everyone to their knees. The rush intensifies, as you feel every fear every hatred, every loss, every breakup, every love, every joy, every sadness that has every existed in the world...
You feel the abuse of millions... The death of stars, of people, of worlds, of gods... You feel an anger beyond angers at the center... It grows and elongates, wrapping itself around every corner of this small oval-shaped world.
This is Raga, this is the hatered that will soon enter the world and ravage every inch of it.
As your eyes continue to adjust, you see a semi-transparent dome that encircles the realm, like a snowglobe. Millions of centipedes climb this dome, each have long tendrils that pierce the walls and are currently inserting
themselves into the back of the heads of millions of children from various realms in this veil. You can see partial windows into each of them, scattered like stars that bledn together but then isolate when you focus on one.
The children are screaming and crying, their minds and souls being replaced by pieces of Raga. They are suffering, they are feeling the same things you are. They will soon die and be reborn as her... Once that happened,
the new Raga would be born into existence, stabilized and fully existent. Her demonic plague of the mind would spread from them to everyone else they came into contact with, slowly consuming all life.
As your mind calms and you regain the energy to stand, you notice thousands of lights all around you. These are the portals in which the Purple Powderpuffs are coming through. They swarm in all around you. Their portals close behind them almost as quickly as they can leap through them. There is no going back for them. The reminder of this makes your heart hurt on their behalf. Suddenly Grass and everyone who ever knew them forgets that they existed. They no longer exist in the physical or metaphysical world, they are sustained only by Raga's mind and will.
You feel something pulsating at the center of this dome. It calls you forth. 
Violet sprints forward, knowing that Raga knows that they are here as she quickly makes her way to the center, but keeping close to Grass to make sure she does not get hurt
At the center you see nothing, but you feel something warm. Something that grows in intensity with each passing second. It feels like like a pulsing heartbeat that echoes throughout the entire dome-like realm. 
Violet try's to find the core to this heat

It finds Violet.

A cascade of limbs flail around the three gathered at the center of this world outside of existence. The thousands of arms and legs spiral upwards into the shape of an eye, where a giant metallic centipede with the head of a serpent descends upon them. Two, women with silver skin, shaven heads and soft features ride upon this beast. They speak THROUGH your own thoughts, using your emotions and experiences to more clearly communicate the message. 

"You are now mine."

The beast disappears and the women stand just inches away from the group. 
"NO GOD NOR MORTAL BEING HAS DARED CEASE THEIR EXISTENCE TO SEEK ME. WHY DO YOU CHALLANGE FATE?", they speak in unison, every pain you have ever felt resurfacing and is overwhelming Violet
"Because unlike you, I have people that care about me and that I care about in return!... So forgetting you will be a service to this world."
Violet quickly takes her robotic arm and PUNCHES the women in the face as hard as she has ever punched in her life
The women disappear as the name Raga distorts into Revenge 4 God's 4saken in your mind. 
Reality shifts around the group as they find themselves in the forest outside of Harmonia's home. There is no life nearby, no plants, no leaves on the trees, no animals and an overwhelming silence. A gray overcast accompanies the red sky and everything around you. You feel a heavy dread in the air.... It is quiet at first... A galloping in the distance... but it grows louder each second. 
Violet ready's herself, as well as readying to protect Grass, as she summons a huge thorn and launching it in the direction of the galloping, hoping to get the early upper hand of damage
A giant wolf composed of thousands upon thousands of human arms and legs appears right in front of the group without warning.

Purple Powder Puffs Remaining: 100,000

R4G4 lashes out at Blally, biting her and lifting her into the air.
She begins shaking her around violently
Violet summons giant thorns as she launches it at Raga's eyes
One of the eyes are destroyed and Raga drops Blally, but the eye is quickly reformed by shaking hands. 
In retaliation, Raga swipes at Violet and cuts her a bit, knocking her down. 
Grass gasps, and the arms of Lema transform into a bow. An arrow appears on her back. She grabs it and lets an arrow loose, with fire in her eyes...
It misses. 
Blally slips on a stick and falls.

Purple Powderpuffs Remaining: 99,909 

Raga sweeps her tail at Violet. Hands appearing out of the tail and punching at her. Several of the fists land. 
Violet summons her vine whip, slashing it at Raga and trying to tie them down for at least a moment so that they may have the upper hand
It Misses
Grass angrily shoots another arrow. It lands in Ragas side.
"Get sunk, b*tch!"
Blally begins cracking her neck repeatedly. Suddenly her neck dislodges from her body and her head is sent flying at Raga, still connected by what seems to be black cables. Her head splits into dozens of blades and begins spinning, lodging itself in Raga's side and burrowing deep. It retracts bringing back a chunk of bloody limbs.
Raga is shaken by the blow.
Violet launches thorns into Raga's side

Purple Powderpuffs Remaining: 99,862

Raga howls in pain
Raga bites at Blally, she leaps out of the way.
The twin women appear and stab Blally with red daggers. One in the back and one in the gut.

Purple Powderpuffs Remaining: 99,796

Raga bites at Blally and picks her up again, thrashing her around.
Violet keeps throwing thorns at Raga, trying to blind Raga
Violet successfully blinds her. Limbs hang limply from the eye sockets.
Grass fires an arrow into Raga's side again. She stumbles. Suddenly arms fall from her chest and slither over to Grass, clawing at her legs. Grass stomps them but not before suffering deep gashes in her legs. 
Blally throws a regular knife. Nothing special about it. It cuts an arm.

Purple Powderpuffs Remaining: 99,763

Raga's tail swipes at Violet, launching fists that punch her face a few times. 
Violet stumble back a bit as she takes her sword and try's to slash at Raga's legs
Raga bites her head, but luckily Violet frees herself.
Grass throws a regular knife. Nothing special about it. It cuts an arm.
The twins appear and mock Grass, bringing up every insecurity while stabbing her with the daggers repeatedly. Grass staggers and falls from the impact of the blows.
Blally launches her head again and takes another huge chunk from Raga.

Purple Powderpuffs Remaining: 99,729

Raga bites at Blally and grabs her by the ankle. She shakes her around like a chew toy.
Violet goes back to summoning thorns, attacking away at Raga
Violet gets a papercut from a discarded hand's fingernails.
Grass calmly walks up to Raga. Her arms extend and morph into long blades that begin to spin. She then proceeds to trim through all of Raga's flesh like she is trimming weeds. She stops when she reaches the heart. She lifts it into the air and exclaims, "WHAT NOW, CENTIPEDE CNT?!?"

Purple Powderpuffs Remaining: 96,729

The world shifts back to the dome. The pulsing rhythm is now nearly constant. A glowing red orb fades in and out of existence. The twins are holding it and sobbing.
"Please, just let us live... Just give us another chance at life... A life in another world... We won't change anyone... Please..."
They morph into children conjoined at the hip. In your heart you know this is their true form. 
"Mara did this to us... Please, this is all a trick..."
"Wait... I know these children... I helped raise them."
"Maybe we can stop this by saving them..."
Violet looks confused and worried at the same time
"Who are they? How do we know this is just not another trick?"
Grass doesn't know what to do.

Purple Powderpuffs Remaining: 93,729

Violet looks to Grass for her to back up
"Look, Blally. How do you know them... and how do you think SAVING THEM- sigh Saving the one thing we sought to destroy could help all of this?!"
"I raised them back at the orphanage... Back in our veil... These kids are damaged, but they are not lost... If we help them out of here WITHOUT them taking over the minds of others, they wouldn't have a reason to would they? We can end this by correcting Mara's wrong... It was the Goddess, in the mind of a scientist, who offered them as subjects for the dimension hopping experiments that started all of this."
Violet approaches the kid with a somber look in her eyes, as she leans down toward child to get a good look at them
"I'm sorry Blally... we have come to far."
Violet takes out her sword and quickly in one swift motion attempts to slice Raga's neck open, trying to kill them
The girls disappear
They whisper in a demonic voice just beside Violet's ear: wrong answer
They reappear just behind Blally
"You failed us too, Blally... You never stoped those experiments. It can't be forgiven... NOT IN MY WORLD TO COME!"
The twins shift into serpents and intertwine into a massive purple-scaled dragon with a red underbelly. The dragon lashes out at Blally, to swallow her whole. 
It swallows her whole.

Purple Powderpuffs Remaining: 89,729

Violet panics as she slashes her sword near Raga's stomach area

It misses

Grass is stunned from seeing Blally being eaten.

Raga whips at Grass with her tail and knocks her down. She is winded and gasping for air.

Violet goes to Grass's side, defending her as she summons thorns and launching them towards Raga

Raga takes the hit, but blows fire back at Violet. She is now on fire.

She gets it out but not before suffering significant burns.

Grass is stunned by sight of the fire. 

Blally begins to digest

Grass fires an arrow. It hits the dragon's neck. It tries to retaliate and hits Violet with another blast of fire by mistake.

She is burned very badly.

Purple Powderpuffs Remaining: 69,729

Violet's crown suddenly springs forth vines, they wrap around the dragon and crush it completely. Before the dragon is slain, it whips it's tail out one last time and hits Violet. She it alive, but hit her head hard on the fall.

There is a brief moment of silence... and then the air is filled with thousands of shrieks as the centipedes disintegrate.

It hurts your head tremendously, but with Grass at your side, you can stand. You notice that the dome is quickly lowering toward you both

In the room outside of the portal, a mysterious business woman appears within the home. She walks over to the heart containers.

This is the same woman who was guiding Thistle through the Lavender Tower and the same woman on the screens. The woman who had appeared, many times before... Watching... Waiting for her time to act. Waiting for when they were most vulnerable. Waiting for them to complete their objectives. 

Violet grabs Blally's body, lifting them up as Violet and hopfully Grass runs along with her

She grabs Lema's jar and smashes it.

The heart stops.

Suddenly, one of the doorways closes. Violet can see the light string attached to Grass slowly fade.

The group all continue toward the doors. Grass helps you hoist Blally

Suddenly the other door fades and so does Blally's string.

A familiar voice sounds in the lady's head. She is terrified and instances away before she can smash the last vessel. 

Blally, Grass and Violet are almost to the last door. 

Violet and the gang get so close to the last door, before Violet notices the missing strings

"Grass... look..."

Violet is holding back tears


She looks ahead, having been too focused to notice it before.

"What happened? I don't understand..."

"Grass... I..."

Violet knows

And Violet breaks down sobbing, trying to stay conscious with all the wounds she has suffered

"You and... Blally... you can't come back. Your tethers... there gone."

"What? No... I... I just got you back... You just got me... I... You... Can't be alone again. I..." She falls down, sobbing.

"What... if.. We... go through...together... Like with... Ashen..." 

She is speaking through gasps

"Grass... it does not work that way... we only have one tether. But... I could give the tether to Blally. We could be here."

Violet try's to calm down for Grass... always for Grass

"Together. Forever."

"No... Not this time...", she said in response to your thoughts.

Grass extends her wings and  forces you and Blally through the portal with a massive and powerful gust. 


Blally immediately vanishes outside of the portal. Violet comes crashing down, barely holding on to consciousness.

Violet looks back. She sees Grass waving goodbye.

"Catch me in the next life. Okay?"

You hear it in your mind, just before the portal closes. 

Violet faints.

In your dreams you see a sky full of stars. You are there with someone, but you can't recall their name. They turn into feathers and float off into the night's sky where the feathers become stars. They form a constellation of a deer girl and an... angel? holding hands in the stars.

Violet is awakened to a voice saying "forever", but it's just Angie mumbling in her sleep. She is there with you, still unconscious with her heart outside of her body. 

You help her put her heart back in, and it slips back into place but she is still unconscious.

Violet goes outside. It's night now. You are suprised to notice a new constellation in the sky. A picture in the sky, for all to see. A deer girl and an angel holding hands forever. 

Something tickles Violet's nose.

It's a feather.

An impossible feather.

"I wonder how that got there?", Violet thinks. Her body aches, and she is covered in wounds. She has a vague memory of fighting a dragon, but the rest is hazy. 

She remembers going in with Angie and fighting Raga... but that should be impossible... Raga is gone, right?  Was it just her and Angie that fought the dragon? 

No, there were others... She is sure. But who?

The feather flutters out of her hand, with a gust of wind. She wants to chase it more than anything, but she doesn't know why. 

She runs after it

She catches it, just before it blows away on the next gust. She holds it tightly this time. A voice enters Violet's mind. She doesn't recognize the voice.

"F1ND M3."

And with that a rush of memories fill Violet's mind.

The moon was bright that night.

A moth flutters across a desert? No... It's the moon.

It has to return to earth to lay its eggs.

The moth makes its journey to earth

It is captured by people

They bring the moth to a lady

A lady who always wears a suit

They steal the moths eggs

And trap the moth in a prison

The moth cries out to its children

They remember

When they are born they escape and they take

They take the bodies of their captors

They speak to each other in their minds

They must find a way to save their mother

They form new colonies on the moon

They come back and lay their own eggs

They form new ways to talk to others. New hive minds.

They build machines

They begin experimenting

They find new worlds

World with others like them

They collect them

They take new bodies

They find a new leader

Her name is Lin

One day they will free their mother

But those that kidnapped her are forcing her to lay new eggs

To make new mothers

They build new suns 

And new moons

They take mother's antennae and place them in two others. It hurts her. 

But they will save her

She calls to her children

In search of a proper savior 

Three crowns and three rods

Will save mother Mara.

Find Kimberly. Find me.

and the voice vanishes, the memories stick like they were your own. 

Violet nods to herself, holding the feather tight but unsure why

Violet looks at the constellation one last time before walking back inside the house and cleaning up any mess that was made

Violet's on the couch, looking outside to the window and thinking


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