A Fallen Angel (4/11/23)

 Violet wakes up, making herself a cup of tea and types away at her computer

There's a strange meteor in the sky.

Violet looks out the window, spotting it as she steps outside observing it, looking up

Stepping out into the (presumably) dim area of night, there's the loud sound of upbeat but heavily distorted and fucked up music as the meteor descends.

“Uhhh what’s with the music?”

Violet, curious, fly's up to the meteor. Seeing if she can get a better look at it

That meteor looks Fucked Up Bruh It's hard to tell if it exists or not, glitching in and out, becoming transparent and not.

It seems to phase right through Violet and immediately land somewhere within the forest.

Violet follows to where it landed, landing herself and curiously examining it and taking mental notes, curious as she touches it now and then

It feels solid but not as it's touched.

Suddenly the distorted mass has an arm reaching out of it.

“Woah Woah Woah!”

Violet backs UP. As she looks at the arm from a safe distance

A distorted laugh erupts from the "meteor"

The mass immediately shifts, and begins to form something much more humanoid but too bright to make out the features of.

“Hello? Who might you be?”

Violet look weary at the creature, unsure of what or who it is

Two arms outstretch towards Violet, and delicately hold the sides of her head.

The light suddenly dissipates, and the figure appears tall with no discernible gender to it. Except the long hair with visible distortion at the tips.

Their "face" distorts multiple times, from 3 plain smiley face emojis, to one, to a ""normal"" face.

They have LARGE pupils that take up 90% of the eye, both pupils cross-eyed as they have a big, goofy open mouthed smiled on their face with an unknown substance dripping from it.

They also have a halo! The halo has a smiley face in it.

"hhehehaHAHA!! AREn't you a lookie! Look at you! So -- ss-so soft. A flower! -floweR!"

"Woah! Um hello? Can I help you... whoever you are?"

Violet looks a bit scared but more curious then that

"No! -Nope! (Nuh-uh)! I'm here. Tour- Ttouring. Hehe."

They detach from Violet and do a little twirl

"Oh I see! Your touring around? Well if you need me to point you in any directions I would be happy to help!"

They start to circle Violet for a good moment, nodding their head as they do.

"Ooh, I lo-love (directions)! Please, feel free!"

Violet points in the direction of her and Grass’s house, which is not far

“That way is my house, it’s not to far from here.”

Violet points a bit to the right

“That way is Mara’s First Latvia church. A funeral will be held soon there…”

Violet point to the far left

“A… weird pet shop is in that direction.”

Violet looks back to the creature

“And the rest I have not explored. I don’t leave my house often so I don’t get to know the place around. Just know if you see a buff bee or a man that barks and dog that talks, that is the normal here.” 

The creature spun its head in every direction Violet happened to point out, each time in an unnatural sort of way, with its neck audibly cracking with each impossible angle.

"How-how interesting! Looks like there's more to tour here than smiles and rides. Joyous! How wonderful. I love (hate) it here!"

"Oh well~!! I think we should be out of your hair for now, Orchid!"

She excitedly waves with both hands, up and down.

“Well it was lovely meeting you! I hope you enjoy your stay!”

Violet waves them goodbye, walking home

She sits on the couch we a laugh of the interaction she just had, happy to see a friendly face


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