A New Blue World (10/30/2022)

Violet looks into her research

"What if this all just a weird simulation... I do wonder what is beyond everything... what is my purpose... I wonder if I will ever find it."

Violet makes herself some peach tea as she looks outside to the red cracked sky

"I wonder what is beyond this red cracked sky... Is it just space... or something more beyond the cracks... watching us..."

Violet sighs as she turns on serial experiment lain on the tv as she watches and thinks

Violet gets up as lets the tv run as she goes to the bathroom as takes off the back piece of her costume to check on her growing wings

Just merely chicken wing nubs

She sighs as she keeps the back off for now as she texts Ashen

Violet looks in the mirror as she watches a hand comes out of a wormhole and grabs her, prying Violet's eye socket open and slamming the eye in as Violet tries to hold back a scream from the pain as her wings grow back 10 fold and she can see again in her left eye

Violet catches her breath as she looks in the mirror as she looks to her newly grown wings and fresh Naomi eye

"Thank you Ashen"

Violet steps outside, as she hears the tv at the scene with lain's dad on, she glides a bit off the ground, getting used to her new wings as she soars, towards the cracks in the sky

The air around the cracks is extremely hot as Violet keeps pushing toward them, making sure nothing is burning as she heads up and up

As she gets closer to the cracks, her vision starts to flicker. The cracks are gigantic up close. She feels lightheaded.

She try's to focus on something in the cracks if not the crake itself as she lets out a scream as she pushes towards to crack, giving it her all

Her vision goes dark.

 Violet wakes up in a small crater in a field surrounded by woods.

The sky is still red with cracks in it, before flickering to blue. No cracks. Birds fly across the sky as a cool autumn breeze flows through her... hair? Blonde hair... what the... she's... human???

Or at least, she looks like it. For now.

"What in the world... is this... where am I?"

She looks around as she looks for any sign of life or anything around

There's birds! And... seems to be a sound of footsteps coming from somewhere in the woods around her.

Violet looks around for the footsteps as she also looks for a puddle of water to look in

A group of around 3 hikers dressed in some warm clothes walk up to Violet. One wears a red sweater, one a navy blue jacket, and the third an unzipped black hoodie.

"Hey, are you okay? We heard you fall." The one in the red sweater asks.

"Um yea... where am I? Who are you guys? Fall? Did I fall from the sky?"

"Uh... You're in New Cleveland..??... And uh. Did you fall from the sky??? It sounded like you fell from like. A normal height." The guy laughs dryly, all three looking slightly confused and kind of. weirded out.

"Oh um yea... sorry I must of hit my head hard... of course... New Cleveland. Who are you guys?"

Violet try's to look for her phone, maybe that might work as a mirror 

Her phone's camera starts glitching the fuck out as she points it to herself.

"Uhm.. right... I'm Jax," red sweater holds out a hand. He points to navy jacket, "That's Daria," he points to black hoodie, "And that's Hendrix."

Violet puts the camera away

"Um nice to meet you guys... um... weird question but what do I look like?"

"You look like a fa-" Hendrix is cut off by Jax.

"You have blonde hair, you're white, and you have a green dress and some sort of headdress."

“I’m… thank you. Thank you so much. May you lovey people help me out of these woods, I seem to be lost”

"Uh. Sure yeah." They start walking as Hendrix mouths 'faggot' at Violet.

Violet does not know what to say as she keeps walking, seeing if she can get service

There's pretty good service

She try’s to look online to see any important figure or places or groups like the Church that might exist or not to prove if she is truly still home or not

Her phone is the same as it was back home.

”Hm, must have just fell hard” She thinks as she keeps walking with the group

They soon end up outside the woods in a park.

"So uh. See ya, I guess." The group leaves.

“Um see ya! Thank you!”

Violet looks around, why in the world is the sky blue? Why is she human? She looks around for anything that might peak her interest

It looks completely normal.

“What in the worlds is going good on…”

She looks to see if any of the other items like the pocket watch are with her

Just the pocketwatch

“What do I even do… what is going on… why is the sky blue?!”

She try to find Grass’s house while she looks around New Cleveland

She also looks at the date or looking around for any reason of why she… wherever she is

Thirteen balled up pieces of paper are rapidly thrown at Violet.

Violet looks very confused as she opens some of the papers

They all have drawings of eyes on them. She starts to feel the same feeling she felt upon reaching the cracks.

Violet stares into the eyes as she holds onto a near by tree, confused on the draw and the whole situation

Her vision goes dark, and...

She reawakens on the ground where she took off.


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