One Hell Of A Museum (11/4/2022)

Violet gets up as she gets ready for the day as she starts to take a walk she decides to take a walk though the woods, where she finds a red door

 Violet looks curious to it as she opens and walks though the door. She ends up in a small town with some light snowfall. The buildings are black and dark red, a light fog coating the red trees surrounding the town. It's nighttime, a blood red moon shining down. There's not many people outside, but there appears to be some buildings that look like businesses.

She looks around as she heads to the closest businesses as she looks to the blood moon as she finds some restaurants, stores.
She fly's up to see if can get a good view around, possibly of some distance buildings as she can see a forest of red trees in the distance, as well as a large castle.
Violet looks around and pick a random building and walks into it as it appears to be the entrance to a museum of sorts! There's a demon working at the front desk.
Violet walks up to the demon

“Hello? Do I need to buy a ticket to get in of some sorts?”
"Yes, it's ten dollars per customer." they say, not looking up from their computer.
Violet grabs 10 dollars from her bag as she slides it over to the demon
"Tours are on the right hall, if you wanna just walk around head left."
Violet heads left, looking around
There's... glass cages. Lots of glass cages, embedded in large walls going up and down. It's like she's on a balcony, or a bridge. In the cages, there's people. Humans. Mutilated and disfigured beyond recognition of being human. Morphed into fleshy, bloody monsters. Some pace around their cages, some claw at the glass, and some just lay in their own blood.
They look melted. Rotting. All while still alive. All while still conscious. The ones who still retain the ability to speak just scream. They cry.
Violet looks in shock in horror at the human that no longer look normal to be call human, she continues to look, as she looks for some identity of some of the human or where different sections might be for this horror of a museum
It's just that. There's no identification for any of them. 

All will be forgotten by time eventually.

She just stares, looking for anything or anyone that might peak her interest, if nothing, she will look for the least mutilated human there
The least mutilated seem to be at the bottom of each wall, while the most are at the top.
Violet picks one of the mutilated people that looks like they can speak and starts to draw them, not mutilated but guessing what they looked like before the transformation
As she finishes up she shows the mutilated human  though the cage with a smile

“I won’t forget you”
It is incapable of responding.
Violet stays for bit and try’s to draw as many people as possible, guessing what they could have looked like when human
Violet then looks around to see is there is anything else to museum or any secrets it holds
It's just that. Every area of the museum.
Violet heads to walk out of the museum, trying to take note as of much people as possible before leaving
She as leaves the museum she looks for any place that would have books like a library
She looks around of any other place she can go exploring
There is nothing left to do. There's some doors!
Violet walks up the doors looking at the color of each of them
They're all white.
She picks the farthest one on the left and opens it as she walks though
It leads home


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