The Corpsewood Pillars (10/22/2022)

Violet grabs a car and speeds to Georgia as she finds herself pulled into a long driveway leading into the woods.

Violet looks at her phone and follows the directions that the website says, looking for pillars

Up ahead, Violet can see what looks to be some toppled-over structures

“Let’s see what we have here…”

Violet makes her way there

There's some brick walls, some structures, a statue or two.

“Hmmm pillars… if I were pillars where I be…”

Violet looks around for pillars or anything that might peak her interest

If nothing she looks for the two brick walls the website says to go

They're there, the brick walls.

Violet turns right and walks

“Let’s see…”

As she walk tough the brick way, she looks around

Theres a couple of items on the ground. Various things.

Violet looks at the various items, looking for anything that might peak her interest as she looks around for the pillars

There's a box that has a doll in it. Yarn as well, scrap fabric and... a sewing needle!

Buttons looks at the items as she very excited about the items as she grabs the yarn and sews as she looks around clueless

“WOAH COOL! Abandoned place!!!”

Buttons hops around as she grabs the doll close to her

Buttons looks around


Button’s lays down the grass as she looks to the sky


Buttons rolls in the grass

Buttons get bored and starts look around for anything to do or see


There's a clicking noise from the trees.


Buttons looks for the clicking

There's a voice soon after.

"Hello, Buttons."

The voice is deep, slightly scratchy. It's followed by more clicking.

"OH?! HELLO! Who are you weird voice?????"

Buttons is looking for the clicking

"I am Belial." A thin seed eater lurches out from behind a brick wall. It's much taller than Buttons, at 8ft tall. "Do you need help, Buttons?"

"HELLO BELIAL! Immmm borrrrrred! I just don't know why im here and im just borrrrdddd!"

"Maybe this can help you." It tosses a strange looking elk skull to Violet's feet. It has more eyes than normal.

Button's picks up the skull!


The memories of the pillars surface in Buttons' mind. She feels the need to rebuild them and light them.

"Oh! Pillars! Thats what I need to do! I just can't find them."

Buttons gives a sad face

"I can lead you there, Buttons." Clicking emits from its mask as it holds out a thin, emaciated and clawed hand.


Button holds their claw

It brings her off into the woods, and they soon come across two toppled pillars.

"Would you like some help, Buttons?"

"Yes please!!!!!!"

It leads her to one of the pillars, heading to the other. 

"Lift with your legs, Buttons. You wouldn't want to break your back, would you?"

Buttons does as the Belial says

Belial helps lift the other up.

The pillar Buttons had lifted has the sigil of Sorath on it, while the one Belial lifted has the Moon symbol on it. The symbols seem to be openings into small crevices in the pillars. Looking in shows candles within the pillars, as well as unreadable inscriptions.


Belial hands Buttons a lighter.

"Do you know how to use this, Buttons?"


It steps back slightly.

"Go on then, Buttons."

She grabs the lighter and lights the candles

One of the cracks in the sky circles closer, until it's right above the pillars. It then begins to open more, as if someone was shattering the sky with a hammer. The other side of the cracks... it's pure darkness. Nothing. Can't see anything on the other side.

Cracks extend from the hole in the sky, as fog begins to pour down. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake, as a thick pillar of a dark, shadowy substance instantly drops from the hole, piercing the ground as Button hears a trumpet blowing. The earth shakes as this happens, the pillar of darkness being at least the size of the empire state building. It rushes through the earth, the trees around quickly dying. Belial had vanished in the chaos. 

The structures around begin to collapse as the area, sinkholes begin to form.

Buttons is BOOKING it. She is dumb but not that dumb


Buttons is getting in the car


Buttons try to drive the car, almost crashing many times

The nearby foliage slowly begins to shift to a reddish hue. 


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