Raga's Regal Pets (11/10/22)

Violet walks back home as she now is relaxing on the couch

Grass walks into the living room and sits down.

"Hey Grass! Everything alright?"

"Yeah, just wondering if you were serious about getting one of those 'critter' things for a pet."

"They seem dangerous."

"I mean... I am unsure of getting one but I at least want to check the place out. It's called Raga's Regal Pets for Mara stake. Who knows what answer they might hold if at anything. If not answers for taking down Raga it might give answers for other things, so who knows!"

"I guess... Let's be on guard though... We are walking directly into her territory, if the name implies anything... Should we bring a Licorice with us maybe?"

"Possibly. One of them at least would be helpful."

"When do you want to go?"

"I mean if you want to go now, I'm not doing anything at the moment. Unless you have any other plans?"

"No, we can go. Just let me go get my bag." Grass goes back to her bedroom.as she returns with a camping backpack

"You really are prepared for anything are you?"

She looks to Grass with a curious look

"Do you want to carry a bunch of pet supplies back, if we do get a critter? It's twelve blocks and we don't have a car."

"This way, we can free our hands up."

She claps the beat of the high five friends song and giggles.

Violet giggles as well

"Your right your right. Alright! Let's go!"

Grass heads for the door and opens it. Peeking around the corners before stepping out. 

Violet grabs her satchel bag as she walks out the door and follows

They walk a mile to the hotel and ring for Lema, from the lobby.

Lema and Blally emerge from the elevator a few moments later. Lema hugs Violet, while Blally watches.

Violet just stands there and takes the hug for she is very confused on why she is hugging her

"Violet sweetie! Did you sleep well? This place has awful room service... but the beds were mediocre!"

She hugs Grass. Grass looks like she's going to crap herself.

"Oh! Um I slept good I guess! Thanks for asking!"

"So, what's the plan? Are we doing something important today?"

"Well we are going to Raga's Regal Pet to check out if we can find anything there to start with if you would like to join us!"

"Oh. Hey, Blally, I'm going to get something from the bar, why don't you go with them?"

Blally shrugs

"Everything alright Lema?"

"You all have fun now!"

She walks away waving, a vibrant smile on her face.

"Oh, yes, I just don't like dirty pet stores. Byeee!"

"Oh! Alright! Bye!"

Blally stares at Violet quietly. 

"So Blally! Would you like to join us?"


Blally quietly stares

Grass bites her lips nervously

"Alright! Let's go!"

She gives a smile as she looks to Grass

"Everything alright Grass?"

"Y-yeah.", she laughs nervously, eyes locked on Blally.

Blally looks to Grass and she shrieks a bit, but covers her mouth to quiet it. Blally looks back to Violet. 

Blally quietly stares

"Everything alright Blally? Grass? Is there something we need to talk about?"

Blally walks up quickly and grabs both of Violet's and Grass' shoulder

The room starts to jitter as lights form on all of edges in the room.

The building ages. Then it's being built, then it's gone. The group see the backs of their own heads, and suddenly, the group is standing just outside of the pet store

Grass vomits

The pet store is new brick with a shined up sign to look new on the outside, but just inside the glass door, Violet can see antique wooden planks and old fashioned wall paper on the walls. 

Violet grabs the nearest thing to hold on too to stop the spinning as she collects herself

"What was that-"

She pauses to make sure she does not puke


"Instance shifting?", she states as if it should be obvious. She walks to the door of the store before Violet can say much else. 

Violet helps Grass clean herself up before walking to the building

Inside are various shelves with all kinds of pets supplies. The back of the store has varying sizes of glass tanks with all sorts of animals present. They seem mostly normal from what Violet can tell. 

Violet moves toward the animals to examine them more as Blally and Grass follow suit 

The first tank Violet approachs has cats in it. They have a bunch of playthings and scratching posts in the tank. A cat breaks away from the others and approaches the group

Violet waves to the cat as she looks towards it

The cat it eyes Violet, then rubs against the glass, flicking its tail

Violet turns to Grass

"I would die for this cat but knowing where we are the cat would probably would be the one killing me"

"Oh, hush.", says the cat.

A store worker approaches the group.

"Can I help you all?"

"Ah, miss Black Licorice. What a pleasure!"

Blally grunts.

Violet looks towards the cat as she blinks

"I would be more surprised but for what I have seen in my life time I am not- What do you mean hush?! Am I wrong?"


Violet turns to SU 957

"Hm? Oh Hello!"

The cat meows like normal.

"You all looking for anything in particular today?"

"Well we have heard of these critters and we heard they originate from here so we just had to check them out!"

SU 957 looks around nervously.

"I wish you would have called me earlier... I would have made an appointment for you, lady Licorice... Keep it quiet... Follow me"

He starts off toward the backroom as Violet follows as she holds Grass's hand

Grass holds tightly. Blally follows.

The backroom is cluttered with large metal shelves. Boxes line each. At the end of the way, on the left, there is a door. He leads the group into this room and flicks on the lights. A large glass tank filled with pine needles takes up the entire back wall. The needles quiver from the movement under them. The entirety of them are moving. There must be thousands of something in there. 

Violet walks up to the glass tanks, examining what possibly could be inside

SU 957 reaches into his pocket and pulls out a chunk of raw chicken.

"Want to see one up close?"

"Of course! That would be lovely." 

He gets the ladder that was located beside the door and uses it to climb up the side of the tank. He retrieves a net from the top and opens a slat. He tosses in the chicken, and waits.

About ten little hands emerge from the pine needles. They swarm the chicken and peck at it, through straw-like mouths on their backs. 

"We call them "Critters". They are bred right here by yours truly. Raga's science folks entrusted me with them a few years ago."

"They aren't exactly pet approved just yet... but they are close! I can sell these early breeds to certain folks, like you all."

"The more domesticated breeds are in the works... but these are fine specimens!"

Violet watches them swarm the chicken with curiosity

"How are were they made if I may ask?"

"They are sourced directly from matter, as a matter of fact!", he laughs at his own corny joke

"They are going to serve as a pet and home security! They beat any old guard dog, I tell you! They genetically bond to their masters and never let anything bad happen to them in the home.* 

"Left the stove on? They'll scream and let you know! Fell in the bathroom? They will crawl out and help you back up!"

"Have a break-in, they will sedate the intruder with their venom!"

"The perfect companion!"

"Very fascinating..."

Violet stands as she looks to SU 957

"What else might Raga's science folk have in the work?"

"Beats me! I just have my Critters."

"We working folk don't get access to that sort of thing usually. I consider myself lucky!"

"Of course! Of course..."

She looks to Grass and Blally on what might be thinking

"How much?", Blally asks

"Free to you all. I'll get reimbursed by the Gloves.", replies SU 957 

Grass looks to Violet. 

"What do you think Grass?"

"I mean... We could use more security at the house... What do you think?" 

"I say we give them a shot."

She looks to SU 957

"I'll take one."

"We'll take three.", Blally chimes in, "one for each of us"

"Excellent! I'll get your kits ready."

"I need one to study. You both need more security."

SU 957 gets the group a small tank each and bags of fresh pine needles

He lets the group know what is safe for them to eat and what is not safe

Grass packs all of the bags into her backpack and then SU 957 dips the critters out with the net and carefully places them into little plastic boxes that he hands to each of you.

Blally sends the group back to the hotel before anyone can react.

Grass vomits

"You good Grass?"

"Yeah..." she says after stopping to catch her breath.

Blally asks Grass for her supplies

Grass gives them to her and she unceremoniously heads to the elevator without so much as a goodbye

"Well, I guess we head home then?", asks Grass. She still looks a little pale.

"I guess so!"

She lets Grass lean on her just in case

They slowly make their way back home. Grass perking up after they are back on the couch. 

She pokes her box curiously.

The critter stirs

Violet cuddles up with Grass as she sets her Critter box on the coffee table


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