A Deadly Prophecy (12/31/2022)

TW: Self Harm

Blally has become very stern.  She brought Violet and Grass home immediately after pulling Violet out of the quantum lock. They all sit on the couch in Violet's living room.

"Tell me again... What did you see exactly?"

Violet thinks, trying hard to recall all of what just happened

“I saw… a cave, full of spiders made of diamonds… and there were candles on the walls to…”

Violet grabs a piece of paper and draws what she can recall it looked like

Blally looks at the drawing and stands. She seems angry. 

“I did not mean to do whatever I did. I’m sorry. I don’t even know what happened…”

Violet looks confused on everything that just happened

"Stop apologizing now! You did nothing wrong... It's just...Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I just don't understand."

“What does this mean?”

Violet points to the image

"It means that my mother might die... Are you sure that this was the amount of spiders you saw?"

“That I can recall yes. What does the amount of spiders have to do with Ashen’s possible death?”

"This is the land beyond the veil between realms... Where the goddess Mara resides. To see any replicated gemstone being is to receive a prophecy... Spiders symbolize death, and Ashen is her 47th daughter. The gems were white, I assume? That will confirm the death prophecies to be of her lineage."

“I believe they were diamonds?”

"Clear? I'm unsure of the meaning then... Did any of them touch you?"

“Yea I touched one of them? Is that bad?”

"Violet..." She stands. "Then the prophecy is now about you."

“W-what?! What do you mean?! Am I gonna die?! I don’t want to die!”

"I'm sorry... That's just how the prophecies work... You were never meant to enter her halls. I'm honestly not sure how you did... It doesn't make sense. Did you see anything else?"

“I think so-some candles? I don’t know…”

Violet is shaking a bit

"How many?"

“I think 4? I… I don’t know. That’s what I can recall.”

"Four secrets revealed before the death shall come..."

Grass is getting upset.

Violet stands and holds on to a wall about the information she just received

“I… I don’t know what to do…”

She looks to Grass walking over to her and giving her a hug, trying to hold back tears

"Don't touch her!"

She says this too late


Violet let’s go of the hug

"Prophecy transfer can spread... Just... Stop moving..."

Violet sits down where she is as some tears escape down her face

“What… what now… how do I even go on with life… knowing that…”

Violet starts to cry some more

Blally rushes you and places both hands on your shoulders. She gives you a fierce glare and then digs her nails into your arms, enough to cause you to bleed.

“Ow ow OW! What?! What are you doing?!”

She tosses you aside and then jumps at Grass and does the same 

Blally then fades out of reality. The room warps as she does so.

“W-what is going on?! Blally?! What did you do?”

She reappears.

"Well... That's that..."

“What just happened? What was that for?”

Violet looks very confused

"The spiders... There are more now... 53... My number...You should be fine now. Don't question it. What's done is done"

“I… but you-“

Violet stays quite to respect their wishes

“Alright… what… what now…?”

"We continue your practice... it shouldn't transfer anymore... I made sure of it. I would prefer it if I didn't waste the rest of my life. We need to find a way to destroy Raga. For some reason, you seem to be the answer. Or at least part of it"

“Alright… I understand… so let’s get practicing and master this.”

"I saw a crown in her realm... A crown of flowers... but it vanished when I got close. I've never seen anything like it"

“The Crown of Which Grows and Dies? That could possibly be it!”

"Possibly... Happy New Year, Violet... I think that's enough for today... Everyone needs time to... Process. We'll pick back up tomorrow. Don't you think that's best? We'll try to figure out how you entered a quantum lock then... and how that led you to that realm..."

“Alright. Happy New Year to you too.”

Blally vanishes again, leaving you alone with Grass.

"Hey, Violet?"

Violet turns to Grass

“Yes Grass?”

She gives her a smile

Grass kisses Violet to celebrate the new year

"Do you think that things will ever be simple again? I'm so confused all the time." She giggles as she says that.

“Nothing is ever simple”

She giggles as well

“If it was life would be so boring and that would be no fun!”

She kisses back

"Simpler?", she corrects

“We can only wish! But with the new year I think that wish can be so.”

She gives a bright smile

"What about Blally?"

“I don’t know. I think Blally has accepted her future, but if not we will help her live the best life she can.”

"I don't want her to die for us... Think there is something we can do?"

“I don’t think there is anything we can do. It’s up to the gods now I believe.”

"Can we... Ask them for help?"

"Doesn't Mara have an avatar here in this veil?"

"I mean Venti might be one? That might be our best bet."


"You probably know them as Cerulean."

"When can we visit them?"

"I mean I can message them and see if they are free?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind."


Violet get's on her phone and types away

"Venti is coming over, they should be here soon."

In a wisp of blue, Venti appears. Theyre wearing pajamas and an oversized sweatshirt. "Hi." They wave

"Hey Venti!"

Violet motions to Grass

"Venti meet Grass, Grass meet Venti!"

"Uh... hi."

Venti waves at Grass. "Uh, what did you need?"

"So... You know the Licorices, right?"

"Uh..." They pauses "I dont think so?" 

"The daughters of Ashen.", she clarifies.

"Uh... I dunno... is this Naomi stuff?" They looks to Peyton

"Yes it is."

"Uh... I haven't really been paying too much attention to Naomi since I escaped last year.." Venti admits

"Hmmm alright. That's fine..."

Violet looks in thought as she looks to Grass

"Any idea of how to contact a avatar or... create one? I don't know how this works."


"We need help from a Goddess. Can you help us?"

"I um... sssure?"

"Blally received a prophesy curse from us and she might die now... Can you help us save her?"

"I can see if Mara can possess me..." Venti says, taking a deep breath. They close their eyes and when they open, they're glowing blue

"Ah, the abominations of the machine gods persist. Why did you summon me?"

"Hello Mara, Blally seems to have a curse from us on her and we wish to see if we can remove it" 

"Why should I help you, or any of your kind?"

"Your kind? You listen here, me and Grass are trying our hardest to take down Raga so you don't get dethroned. So I'm sorry if Our Kind does not live up to your expectations."

"Raga has become problematic, that much is for certain...but she can never 'de-throne' me. She will be her own undoing. This said, how will saving Blally end Raga's tirade?" 

"Blally is training us to defeat Raga. So if Blally dies, so does your chance of Raga going away."

"And you are certain that this training will help you end her? If the Licorice knew how to do so, why didn't she do it herself?"

"I am the one who is destined apparently to wear The Crown Of Which Grows and Dies. We are the ones that are destined and can end them."

"Oh, you think so?"

She stares at you for a moment.

"I see... Well, this omen isn't one that can be easily undone, but I can delay it from this form."

"How so?"

"Once something is foretold, it will exist in this world as a prophetic omen. Omens can be transferred or delayed, but they can not be erased without changing the future insurmountably... Usually for the worse."

"I see... then how may it be delayed?"

"Keep her away from the dragon for as long as possible."

Mara returns control to Venti 

Violet turns to Grass

"Do you know of a dragon?"

"Like a real dragon? No..."

Venti blinks, stumbling back. "Woah- okay... that was cool... but weird??"

"Welcome back Venti!"

Violet thinks what they could mean by dragon

Venti waves. "Mind if I head home now? Im pretty tired- took a lot out of me-"

"Yea I think it's fine if you head home. Grass?"

"Do you know of a dragon, Venti?"

"Uh... I don't think so?" they pause. "Didn't you guys get Roxy a dragon for Christmas?"

"Uh...no? Did she get one?"

"Yeah I think so???"

"Do you know where it is?"

"I do not"

"Well... That doesn't really help... but thank you anyway, Venti."

"Thank you Venti."

"No probob. Maybe text Roxy and ask?" Venti shrugs. "Best I got. See ya" They teleport away

"I guess we will have to avoid places Roxy usually visits, while Blally is with us."

"Yea. Seems like a plan."

"Can you text Roxy and ask, Violet?"

"Sure. I'll give it a shot."

Violet types away as she sends the message

"Anything on your mind dear while we wait?"

"I want seafood."

Violet gives a giggle

"I know it's late, but should I order in? You hungry?" 

"I would not mind seafood. Go ahead!"

Grass goes to her landline phone and calls "Jimbob's Fish and Gumbo +".

Violet sits on the couch, closing her eyes trying to relax

Violet starts to feel an itch under her left ear as she sits up a bit and itches it

Violet's fingers burn. She retracts her hands from the itch spot as she winces

"Hey Grass? I'm gonna use the bathroom for a sec if you don't mind?"

"And a pile of hushpuppies. Uh... yeah, go ahead!"

Violet walks to the bathroom as she shuts the door, examining the spot behind her left ear

Violet sees a patch of blue skin, it appears rough and shiny. Almost glasslike.

"What in the world..."

Violet touches it again

Violet's finger starts to bleed

Violet removes her hand again from the blue skin


Violet looks confused as she looks to the blue skin in confusion of what to do with it and why the heck it is there

Violet's leg begins to throb 

Violet looks at her leg by lifting her skirt a bit to see it 

A small patch of Violet's leg is clear but smooth like ice.

"What in the world... what is happening to me?"

Violet sits down, afraid to touch it as well, trying to think why this is happening to her

Violet's skin feels like it is crawling

"Wait a minute- SHIT!"

Violet grabs a pocket knife from her bag, feeling around to were the crawling is most at, cutting down on her skin on where she thinks anything might be crawling in her

Light blue and powdery tiny crystals pour out along with the blood, every place Violet cuts. 

Suddenly, Violet's mouth feels stiff on the inside. Her tongue hurts every time she moves it, as if the inside of her own mouth is cutting it. She tastes blood.

"What is going ON?!"

Violet looks in the mirror examining everything to her mouth to her blue patches, as she freaks out

Violet's entire body stiffens.

Violet falls to the ground, frozen

Violet unfreezes. She is now in the realm of Mara. She is in the room with the spiders again, but there are no spiders this time, just the 4 candle sticks. 

Violet looks around, looking for an answer to why she is here

The room is cold and quiet. No exits can be seen. 

Violet moves over to the candles and picks one up

A vision of Lavender Tower 4 enters Violet's mind. 

Violet puts the candle down and does the same with the other 3

You see the tower lobby, you see the Lavender apartments and then you see a storage closet and a box that is glowing. 

"What in the world? What in that box..."

The room begins to spin as soon as she thinks this, and Violet passes out. She wakes up on the bathroom floor, covered in crystal powder. Violet's body seems back to normal... For now. The patches have disappeared, but you still feel the pain from the earlier transformations. 

Violet collects the crystal powder in a smaller bag as she heads back to Grass

"Hey Grass?"


She's on the couch now

"Don't touch it but do you know what this is?"

She shows her the bag full of crystal powder

"Umm... No? Did you find it in the bathroom?"

"Um well... you see... It might have been... um coming out of my skin."

"Uhhh... I uhh... Do you need to go to a doctor?"

"I don't think so... my skin started to turn blue and then I was back at the cave place with the spiders and the candles, just no spiders where there. I picked up the candles and they showed me where something that is of importance might be."

"So... Sentient teleportation dandruff? Sorry... not helping... Are you sure you're okay?"

Violet giggles a bit at the comment

"I... I don't know. I think I'll be fine...I'm just wondering if I could teleport there, grab it, then come back home..."

"Using the dust or the instances thing?"

"Probably the instances thing."

"It's pretty late... and the seafood is almost here. Want to try tomorrow?"

"Yea that can work."

Violet sits on the couch with Grass, snuggling up with her 


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