The Nightmare of Reality and the Dream (1/15/23)

Violet lands as she heads inside her home, sitting on the couch and turning the TV on as there is the sound of the fridge opening in the kitchen.
Violet gets up a bit and looks to the kitchen
“Hello? Grass is that you? You making food?”
There's feminine humming as something is taken out of the fridge and the fridge is closed
Violet walks up to them
It's Catherine! Violet know what she looks like. She has a bottle of coke in her hands. 
"Sup. Nice fridge." She says with a grin
“Wait- your the women from that video! What are you doing here?! Why are you here?”
Violet backs up more confused and on the defensive
She holds a finger out as if to say "wait a sec" and opens the coke, taking a drink. She lets Violet simmer in her anxiety for a moment. 
"I want to talk to you! Violet, have you ever felt like going absolutely apeshit???"
“Yes? Wait no? Now you wait a minute. You cursed my friends out and called me a parasite. Why should I even listen to you?!”
"Okay- so the parasite thing was so they think I don't like you. And... I'm sorry you think they're your friends???" She lets out a chuckle, shaking her head. "Seriously???"
“Um yea? They are my friends? I don’t care what they might say about me I would like to still try and be friends with them. At least Luna.”
“What do you even want? Because I know it’s not just to chat.”
Catherine rolls her eyes. 
"They're not your friends. They dont give a shit about you dude. You know what I want? I want the Violet that murdered Luna and Chris in cold blood!"
“Uh no? I’m not going back to those times.”
Violet grabs herself some tea and walk to the couch and sits down
“Besides, I’ve worked to hard to go back. I have no reason to go back and I don’t want to lose everything again…”
Violet takes a sip of tea
"What do you have to lose? You already lost everything. They still see you as the monster that murdered their friends. None of them actually like you. You have to see that, right??"
“What do I have to lose?! My girlfriend, my new friends, and the people who still care for me like Luna. All I wish is to be accepted again, not to murder them?!”
"You're never going to get that. And your new friends and girlfriend don't need to know! It can be our secret!"
“This is literally a repeat of a deal with the devil. Why in the world would I even accept anything you say?”
"Oh, I don't know, fame, riches, power, protection for your girlfriend? Anything you could ever want! You work better as a villain, Violet."
“I don’t want to be a villain! I just want to live a normal life with what I have now. And nothing you say or do will change that.”
Catherine gags. "Ew. Gross." They roll their eyes. "Well if you ever get tired of playing nice, just call out for me. Bye." And she disappears in a puff of red smoke, taking the coke with her
Violet let’s out a sigh, drinking her tea. This night could not get anymore weirder or stressful
She decides to take a nap, that can only go right… right?

Claire... she is in the woods... their both in the woods...
Unbearable pain as the knife in plunged into Violet...
Scream for help!
Or better yet...

Violet startles up with fright and a scream, checking her stomach for stab wounds as she hugs a blanket, like that’s gonna protect her...


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