Ring Ring! (1/23/23 - 1/24/23)

"I put all of the numbers I can remember into your contacts... Be careful what you ask though... Some of them are quick to block people."

A bumblebee with a six-pack eats a tiny box of donuts on Violet's window seal. 

"Get some! Ughh!", it screams between bites, flexing after.

"Thank you, Grass"

Violet looks at the contacts, looking at the numbers available while looking weirdly at the bee

A list of various Green and Lavender Naomis are listed. 57 in total.

Violet clicks the first Lavender she sees and notes the number

877502 - Mauve


"Yeah, I'm cooking fried eggs? You coming or what?"

Mauve clearly thinks Violet is someone else.

"This is Violet Naomi. You must be Mauve?"

"Uh... Who? Wait... Uhh... How did you get this number?"

"Grass gave it to me."

"That little... Is she there?"

Grass shakes her head. The eyes widened.

"No she is not, why you ask?"

"Tell her to stop giving out my number when you see her next." 


Liseran is next on the list

Violet clicks them, waiting for them to pick up the phone

?????? - Liseran


The voice is masculine and deep

"Hello? This is Violet Naomi, I call to ask you some questions."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"So I was wondering what your options on Raga are?"

Violet rests her head on a pillow that is on the couch

"Who's asking? I mean... Is this confidential?"

"Hello? Hello?"


Violet fell asleep on the couch

The Next Day

Violet's phone rings

“Hm? Let’s see…”

Violet picks up the phone

?????? - Frieda

"About time you picked up!"

“Oh! Sorry! Well I’m here now! Um what is it?”

"Why were you talking with Happy? Are you part of Unit 5?"

“I’m sorry I don’t think I understand. Unit 5? Also yes I was talking with Happy. Your point?”

"Oh... Nevermind then. Tell 532 I said hi!"


“That’s… weird…”

Violet tries to call another random number from Naomi


“Hello! This is Violet Lavender Naomi, who might this be?”

"Ah, I see... I know you well... My name is Blue. How has Cerulean been?"

“Oh… your Blue? The one who works with SUs at JMD?”

"I don't work with the Service Units in my department, but you have the correct Blue in mind."

“I see… and why do you say you know me well?”

"She has been watching you for some time now. I am given the information as her supervisor."

Violet rolls her eyes

“Raga I assume?”

"No... I do not have jurisdiction over that project. This is someone... Closer to you."


"Why do you assume I am over the daughters of Mara?"

Blue laughs

“Sorry… I just…”

Violet hopes it’s not who she thinks it is


Blue just laughs at that remark.

"Let Cerulean know that her mother has moved up again... She is getting... One hell of a promotion this time. She will barely recognize her next time she sees her."

“Why you- I know what you have done. You sicko. I hope you burn.”

Blue laughs again

"I look forward to hearing about you again soon. Goodbye, Dear."


Violet let’s put a sigh of frustration

“I still wonder who she was talking about…”

"What's that?"

Grass is holding a vegan blt in her hands. Grass apparently decided against a plate.

“Just trying to call people to if I could I don’t know… get info that might help us or something? Turns out I got Blue’s number and apparently someone has been watching me.”

"Well, that's creepy... Is it a Naomi?"

“Unsure. I assume so, she said it is someone close to me but I don’t know. Blue said she works under them as a supervisor.”

"Sounds like it is then... Have you tried calling Heather?"

“No I have not… I should give that a try… see how she is.” 

Violet finds Heather's number in your phone under the Green section

Violet calls the number

A voice can be heard talking some distance away

"Hm? Heather?"

The voice on the other end of the phone is still distant. Suddenly it gets closer.

"Who is this?"

"This is Violet. You alright Heather?"

"Yeah, I guess... I'm keeping busy... How have you been?"

"I've been alright. Glad you have been keeping busy. Anything happening on your end?"

"Well... Now that you mention it... Some of my workers have been experiencing strange dreams recently."

"Yea? How so? What have they seen?"

"I don't know... They mentioned something about crystal bugs... I thought it just some stupid dream... but then two more Naomi had the same dream... Then three more... Now about twenty are having the same dream every other night."

"What type of bugs and how many were there?"

"Bees, I think... I'm not sure how many. Hey, Marigold! Meri! It was bees you were dreaming about right!?"

Violet hears a faint voice respond with "Yeah."

"Any idea how many?"

Someone else responds, "Forty-two in my dream!"

"Were the bees made of anything or were they normal bees?"

"They were all made of yellow crystals."

"Hmmm alright. Thank you, Heather, and how many people in total would you say had this dream?"

"About twenty. Do you know something about this?"

"I might. This type of dream has happened before, but I will check with some people to see if they know the true meaning."

"Get back to me if you discover anything... I need to keep my Naomi safe."

"Alright. I'll keep you updated. Talk to you later."

Violet hangs up and then try's to call Blally

It goes to voicemail, then Blally calls Violet back

Violet answers



"What does 42 yellow crystal bees mean?"

"It's usually representative of a hive... Workers for a queen bee. The yellow would represent the sun in this case... More specifically the goddess of the sun."

"Then what about the 42. 42 workers? What might it entail?"

"I'm not sure... I don't think it's a Naomi number in this case... It doesn't feel right... Pieces of something maybe?"

"Maybe... I'll keep that in mind. Also... I think it's time to pay Mother a visit."

"Are you sure you're ready? I don't doubt your progress... but I need to know you are confident in yourself first."

"I'm ready as I'll ever be."

"Allow me to prepare a few more things... I will get back to you about the bees as well."

"Thank you Blally. I'll see you later."

Violet hangs up

"Grass? How are you doing?"

Grass is finishing her blt 

"I'm good. You wanna go for a walk?"


Violet gets up with a positive jump

"Let's go!"

Violet heads outside and Grass happily follows along, giggling. She tries not to think about what Lema told her earlier that day. She would have to face that soon enough.  Violet walks around with Grass, Violet smiling and enjoying her time with Grass and the sights

"So anything on your mind as of late?"

"Uh... Not really..."

Violet can tell Grass is lying

"Grass... you know you can talk to me about anything."

"Well... Lema told me something about the crowns while you were gone."

"What did she say?"

"Well, the third crown can be... Summoned by a third member once the other two are found. Someone can choose to become the bearer..."

"I want to be that person, for you..."

"Grass... I... I would love you to but I don't want you in danger. Or in any risk of being in danger."

"I already chose to be... I want to do this... don't you trust me?"

"I do trust you! With all my heart! It's just I'm.. scared. I'm scared... I'm scared of losing you..." 

Grass looks away.

"I'm scared of losing you more..."

Violet looks to Grass, lifting her hand to hold her cheek in a caring way


Violet thinks for a second

"If that is what you want... then I'm here to support you. Like we have said from the beginning. We will do this. Together."

"Okay... Let's just enjoy today together. We can worry about all that later. We have now, and that's most important." 

Something about Grass words makes Violet feel there is more to the situation, but Violet can tell she is burying it hard. It would be very hard to pry. 

"Alright. Let's enjoy the now of today. Together forever in at least the moment"

Violet smiles at Grass, looking into her purple eyes

Violet gives her a peck of a kiss, grinning at her with a smile as she enjoys her time with Grass

Grass stares back with an intensity that says "I will love you forever.", her eyes look misty but it isn't from sadness.

Violet smiles

"Anything else on your mind dear?"

"No, I just hope this peace lasts a while. Can we take a short break from training? I just want a few days of normalcy before we face the hyper-dimensional goddess centipede thing..." 

"After meeting with Mother, I mean."

"Of course. Anything for you. Besides, a break would be nice."

"We've been busting tail, haven't we?", she laughs

"We've come a long way..."

"Yea..." Violet laughs a bit

"Are... You going to enter nothingness to fight her?"

"Or leave existence or whatever..."

"I don't see any other option... I don't want to leave you but I don't want to put anyone else in danger... I... I don't know."

"You won't exist if you do... You will enter the realm of thought and not have physical form... You will become nothing more than a concept... a memory..." 

"I can't lose you."

"Lema said it is irreversible!"

"I can't lose you too... just... can we talk about this when the time gets closer. I don't want to future to drag us in the present. I want to live with the punches, whether good or bad as they might be."

"Right... I need to follow my own request."

Grass laughs nervously

"You're right. Want to go to a carnival soon?"

"The annual New Cleveland carnival is happening in a few weeks."

"Of course! Sounds fun!"

Violet finds a nice big tree and sits down by it, taking a break from walking, patting the ground for Grass to sit with her

"Do you want to do anything now?"

"Just clear my mind and be with you."

"Alright. Fine by me!"

Violet cuddles up next to Grass


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