A Meeting With Mother (3/5/23)

Lema pridefully clomps down your stairs in clogs, making a real show of it. She belches She throws a martini glass at the wall and it shatters a few feet away from Violet


Violet jumps at the glass

“What-? I mean I guess- is it time?”

Violet is very confused

"You bet your third ass cheek, it's time! The system is doing a sweep... So, now's our chance... I'm going to be Grass's armor and Angie will be yours... Blally is our best fighter, so she will go it alone to help..."

Lema slips and falls down the last couple steps. Lema appears on the verge of tears, then bursts into laughter.

Blally and Angie follow down the steps a few moments later.

Lema suddenly stops laughing.

"Wait, you all are a couple, right? Did you all have a good Valentines celebration or whatever?"

“Yea? We hanged out and watches tv and cuddled… wait are you coming along? Because is becoming drunk a good idea?”

Violet waves to Blally and Angie as a hello

"Hey, I'm not drunk... YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ME DRUNK!" Lema belches

"She had to get drunk... It's the only way she can tone down her narcissistic tendencies enough to relinquish control of her body."

"TRAITOR... I'm not drunk..." grumble grumble

“Sure sure.”

Violet giggles

“Want me to check up on Grass? See if she is ready?”

"Yes, if you don't mind..."

"I need cookies... her tone changes to that of a toddler Now..."

Violet starts walking up stairs looking for Grass

Angie seems embarrassed by Lema 

Grass is asleep in her bed, somehow having slept through everything. She REALLY needed this nap.

Violet sits on the bed Grass is sleeping on

“Grass…? Dear…? Ready to kick butt?”

"Mmm... What?"

She sounds very groggy

“It’s time to visit Mother. If you are up for it that is?”

"Oh, Mara... It's today? Think we are ready?"

“I believe we are ready as we can be.”

Violet gives Grass a kiss on her forehead

“But we got this! Don’t we!”

Grass sounding a bit unsure "Yeah..."

"I mean..." she shifts to a much more confident tone. "I believe in us!"

"Violet! You better get down here! Lema is trying to make cookies with sheets of paper and some leaves from your houseplant!"

Grass' eyes go wide and she jumps out of bed.

Violet giggles nervously

“Give me a moment”

Violet SPRINTS down stairs to look what they are doing

Violet sees papers are scattered all over the floor. Some are now on the stove and smoking. Lema is eating some leaves while watching the smoke. The smoke alarm goes off as soon as Violet and Grass arrive.

“What the heck?!”

Violet looks under the sink for a fire extinguisher while she picks up some paper on the way there

Grass helps

"So freaking good... OH MY MARA, I LOVE CHOCOLATE!"

Violet grabs the fire extinguisher and try’s to put out the fire

“LEMA?! Let’s NOT set the house on fire?!”

"Don't be such a drag! It's not even a real fire..."


Violet opens the stove, looking inside on it’s current status

Smoke pours out and chokes you up. The inside is filled with leaves and paper. 


Violet stumbles back a bit, as she grabs the fire extinguisher, letting it do it’s thing in the stove. Violet is unsure if there is a fire or not so she is just going at it. When it is fine she starts pick up the papers off the ground

“It’s… it’s fine. Now that your done almost burning the house and the poor plants, now what.” 

"I have to crumble and reform around you... Ew..." Lema pukes up leaves after speaking

“Alright… and you sure this is safe.”

"Am I sure?" Lema laughs 

"I better be! I'm putting my hide on the line here!"

"I assure you that this is safe."


Violet gives a breath, trying to calm herself down after everything that has happened

“I’m ready.”

Lema says nothing, simply unfurls like a bunch of ribbons. The ribbons flutter on an unseen breeze and wrap around Grass, reforming into Lema. She looks just like Lema, but when she speaks, it's Grass' voice and personality. 

"Woah... This feels weird..."

Angie looks at Violet and blushes before doing the same. You feel cold, but also warm as the pieces wrap around you. You feel stiff but strong as they solidify into your armor.

“Woah! This is… weird. You guys know where to go?”

Violet says looking around, trying to get used the new body in a way

"We need to head to the lobby first. Care to do the honors, Violet?"


Violet focus as she attempts to teleport to the lobby. The room distorts as it suddenly shifts to the lobby of Tower 4.

Violet and the gang all arrive at door marked 12. A panel of the ceiling opens and a laser scans the party. A mechanical female voice with an artificially happy tone addresses you all. 

"Hello, and thank you for using Naomi! Please present your keycard, or you will be completely disintegrated! You have 10 seconds! You are so brave for doing this! I am very proud of you!"

Violet shows the the keycard, hoping it will work

"Yay, you get to continue to exist! Please proceed past the door when it opens. You will have 10 seconds before the door slams shut!"

The door opens quickly

Grass and Blally rush in









Violet rushes inside



The door slams shut

The lights are off in this room.

The same voice from earlier continues, "Now initiating decontamination! Tee-hee!" 

Cake scented spray begins to assault everyone in the room. The lights are still off.

Violet looks for a light switch

The spray stops, and the light flicks on. Violet see that they are in a long hallway with a door at the end. Twelve 1/4th doors are located along the way.

“Now where…”

Violet starts looking at the doors, if possible inside them, if not she goes to the door at the end

Behind the first 1/4th door is a newborn puppy in a basket.

“Yea that’s not sketchy at all”

Violet moves on

The second has 1900 newborn spiders in a basket. They begin to scrawl toward the door in even rows.

Violet shuts the door quick

“Yea… no”

The rest of the doors are bricked over behind them, aside from the last which has a piece of cake on a plate. A small sign behind it says, "Best carrot cake ever imo"

Grass goes for the cake.

“Weird… be careful Grass.”

Grass decides against it, despite being extremely hungry for some reason.

Violet also notices that she feels that she is starving

Violet goes to the door at the end of the hall

It's unlocked, but a female voice (different from the other one) on the other end says, "Are you sure you want to come in here?"

“Yes I am sure.”

Blally nods

Violet walks in

Inside is another hallway. A young girl with long green hair, dressed in a white lace dress sits on a stool at the center.

There are two doors behind her. One on the left and one on the right

“Hello? Who might you be?”

"Hi, I'm the guard, I suppose."

She kicks her legs playfully

“I see… which door do we go through?”

"It depends on what you seek."

The door behind you slams and locks.

“Which door is what path?”

"One leads to Mother and the other leads to my mom's office."

“We seek Mother.”


“No. Mother. Not yours.”

"Ah. You're brave."

Blally sighs. She is becoming impatient. 

"So, which door leads to Mother?" 

"One of the doors behind me."

“Which one?”

"Why do you want to see Mother?"

"Because Ashen demands it!", she blurts out.

"Oh, I see. The left door seems like the right choice... Try that.", the girl says

Violet looks skeptical but try’s the left door

The girls smiles as Violet passes. It's dark behind the door. The girl is watching the group the whole time. 

Violet walks inside

The room is dark until Violet enters. Once everyone is inside, the bright florescent lights flicker on above. The room is completely empty. Every wall a solid white. 


Violet walks inside as she looks around wondering if this is Mothers room... or a trap

The door shuts behind you, and a slat overlays it, making the door completely disappear. It's as if the wall is another blank wall, no cracks  or indents in sight.

The voice from before returns, "Hello!"

"Hello? Mother? Is that you?"

"El oh el, I am not Mother!"

"Who might you be?"

A panel in the ceiling opens and a person in a black robe jumps down.

"Sup.", he says in a deep voice. "You want answers or something?" 

"What? Your not Mother? I need to find Mother!"

"Well... You done fucked it up now." He removes a red dagger from his cloak.

"You need to lay down and let me kill you, please." 

"WHAT? Uhhhh No?!"

Violet backs up, trying to summon a vine whip to defended herself

Blally's arms separate into blades. Grass assumes a fighting stance.

"Dang it... You're going to make my job hard. Just let me stab you a little then?"

He begins slowly approaching. You see his unhinged jaw just beneath the covering of the cloak hood now. 

"No! Who the heck even are you?!"

Violet is readying to attack if he gets any closer

He continues to approach.

"I am Naomi."

Violet swings her vine whip at him, trying to take him down with violent slashes

He doesn't dodge. The whip knocks the hood from his face. There is no face underneath... Just the unhinged jaw and a single eyeball suspended on an eye stalk above it.

"Please. Just let me kill you.", he begs. His mouth not moving as he speaks.

Violet is taken aback by his appearance

"Why would I let you do that?!"

Violet stops for a moment but then continues to slash

"I really need this job. Pleasssseeee! Pleassseeeee!"

He keeps coming even after being slashed. Slowly, unaffected by the blows.



Grass sneaks around him as he is hyper focused on Violet. 

"no! No! NO!"

Violet summons a sword in a quick motion, getting close and trying to stab it though, where she thinks is, the heart 

Grass and Blally have both circled around the being. Blally disarms them, and both grab its arms.

The knife connects.



Dozens of large centipedes begin crawling from the unhinged jaw. 

They crawl up Grass and Blally's arms. They also follow Violet's attack and fly toward you with their 12 wings, snapping their large fangs together. 

Violet try's stabbing at them rapidly with her sword, hoping to get any killing blows

Violet does, but then twelve panels open and twelve people in black robes drop down, their red daggers wielded. The first one (the one Violet stabbed) falls to the ground, dead.













They CHARGE at Violet wildly, unlike the first.

Violet shields with her wing, trying to take down who she can but she is losing hard

Blally takes down two of them, but is swarmed by four more.

Grass is struggling to help you.

One grabs Grass and starts puking up centipedes on her. She screams, as she tries to swat them off like before, but they just keep coming.

Violet looks to Grass as she pick off the centipedes and the man from her as she forms protection around Grass with her wings, willing to protect Grass with the cost of her own life 

The centipedes begin biting Violet's wings, but explode when they do. Violet notices the same thing is happening with Bally. 

The creatures in the robes begin slashing at everyone.

Blally kills another

Violet gets an idea, hoping it work. And if not well...

"HEY!" Violet screams trying to get the hooded figures attention

Violet summons a big bag


"OKAY!", they yell in unison.

They eagerly enter the bag. Dropping their daggers in the process.

Violet ties up the bag, hoping that they stay in there and if they try to escape with centipedes, then she hopes they exploded, killing them

"Shit- now what?!"

Violet hears the sounds of vomiting, as the bag begins to sizzle and smoke. 

The acidic excretion has caused the creatures inside to melt, as the acid pooled up in it. They emerge as a single warped amalgamation of an entity. 

They emerge from the bag as a moth would from a cocoon 


Violet thinks.... think think think!

Violet stands where she think to door was, hoping if they were to attack they would make a hole

The overhead voice returns, "Wow, guess you are pretty resourceful! Mother says you can visit now. I hope you fall on your feet, like a cat!"

The floor drops without warning. Violet and the groups all fall, including the creature mass.

Violet lets out a scream as she falls, hoping to try and fly down. Unsure if her wings can still fly after the damages

Violet fly's but not well. Grass is holding Bally. She flutters over to Violet to help. The creature falls quickly. It shoots up centipedes as it falls.

Violet try's dodging the centipedes as she drifts down thanks for the help

"Well that was... something."

Violet is able to dodge most of them. A few try to latch on to Violet but lose their grip. Grass has about the same luck.

Violet and the gang all land clumsily, but they do land. Violet and the rest are now in another hallway. This one is filled with some sort of electrified mist. It makes a crackling sound as if passes their ears.

The creature writhes as the mist brutally destroys its body.

It soon stops moving.

Violet feels no signs of injury. It must be the protection from the Licorices.

"C0M3.", says a booming voice from the end of the hall. There are no doors in this hallway, simply round indents in the walls. 

Violet looks around. looking in the indents, trying to see if she could find any doors or Mother

"C0M3!", the voice booms again, seeming to come from one of the indents at the end. 

Violet walks towards the voice, looking for where it is coming from

As the group nears the end of the hall one of the indents open, like an eye. 

Violet walks into the now formed doorway

Inside are hundreds of machines all wired together, computer towers and server units line every wall.

"Ah, there you are!", comes a new booming voice from overhead.

Violet walks inside as she looks around and up

"Hello? Mother?"

Two massive, glowing red eyes are staring down at Violet. Violet realizes now that some of the "towers" were actually the toes of a colossal robotic woman. Long wires reach over its shoulders and down to its toes, as if they were hair. 

"Hello Mother! It is a pleasure to meet you. I assume you know me."


"Oh! I apologize. I was mistaken. I seek Mother for info on how to gain the ability and gain the knowledge to defeat Raga"


Blally is bowing before the giant. 

"I do. I believe I have the power and knowledge to defeat Raga. I have learned to 'teleport' way faster then others would I am willing to learn quick to defeat Raga."

".....EXCELLENT. I BELIEVE YOU.", she says lifting her foot to reveal a glowing purple spire that appears to be filled with a moving liquid. The tower had fit into a hole in the giant's foot perfectly.

"W3L0M3, V10L3T. 1 H4V3 B33N 3XP3CT1NG Y0U.", the voice emanates from the spire.

Violet walks up to the spire

"Hello Mother. Wait- are you the voice that was speaking in my head? When trying to get The Crown Of Which Grows and Dies?"

"1N P4RT."




"The Crown Which Grows And Dies, Mother?"

"TH3 V3RY S4M3."

Violet takes off her crown, and presenting it to Mother

A purple bolt comes from the spire and strikes the crown. It disappears in a flash of red.

Violet jolts a bit back

"May I question of your intentions of... zapping? The crown?"


Blally is still bowing, silent.

Grass watches everything happening anxiously.


Violet is thinking she might have done something wrong but is unsure


Suddenly Blally yells, and Grass screams, as she observes the horror of the crown now embedded in Blally's head. Part of it is jutting from bloody eye sockets and the rest is poking through her skull.

The room distorts and suddenly the crown is back on Violet's head. A new, silver crown sits atop Blally's head now. A spike quickly rushes out of it and pierces your crown, it then returns to normal. Blally doesn't seem injured.

"TH3 CR0WNS 4R3 N0W SYNC3D T0 TH1S R34LM. B0TH H4V3 1NCR34S3D 1N P0W3R." 

"G00D LUCK, MY L4V3N4R."

Violet is taken aback by the events that has transpired but composes herself

"Thank you Mother."

The colossal woman returns her foot over the spire.



Blally seems a bit shaken, but nods.

Grass walks over to you. She is shaking.

"Violet, what if I'm not good enough to pick the right instance by myself?"

"I don't want to get lost to time or something... We always go together..."

Violet gives Grass a big hug

"I know... it's scary. But know even though time or space we will find each other, even in the chance that happens."

Blally walks over to you two. "Grass, I have faith in you... in you both. You can do this."

Grass nods and swallows hard. "Okay... where to?" 

"Home... before we teleported here."

"Al...alright. Who first?"

"I... I guess I'll go first? Unless you wish to?"

"Either way."

"I can go first, if that helps.", says Blally.

"That would be nice Blally. Thank you."

The room slightly distorts and then returns to normal. Blally is gone. 

"I'll go next..."

Violet gives Grass a kiss

"You got this ok?"

"I... I do."

She suddenly lunges at Violet and holds her tight, sharing a passionate kiss with her. She wanted this to be the last memory... Just in case. 

Grass pulls away from the kiss and readies herself. 

"Okay, I'll go right after. Good luck."

"Good luck too you too. My dear."

Violet focuses... focus... as she try's to jump to the discussed earlier instance

The room distorts and then returns to normal. Violet is now gone.

Grass takes a deep breath and focuses. She closes her eyes and tries to jump to that instance. A voice creeps into her mind as she does so, and in a short distortion, she vanishes...

Violet, Blally and what appears to be Grass all appear in the living room.

"Good, you all made it back safely. I am very proud of how far you both have come."

“Thank you Blally. Glad everyone is ok. See Grass! We did it!”

She doesn't respond.


Violet walks over to Grass and touches her shoulder

“Everything alright dear?”

"What? Grass? Oh, shit... Did I lose her or something?"

"Oh well, at least we had fun, right?"

"I need a drink."


Violet slaps Lema

“I swear to every god in this Veil if you lost Grass I will kill you.”

"Ouch! How the hell did I lose her? It was her doing the jumping... I can't help that she sucks! Do you all have any vodka?"

“Lema! I just don’t like how your treating the situation! She might be gone forever and your just standing here looking to get DRUNK?!”

Violet’s hair turns a bright red as her skin turns a shade of the same

"Woah... Did you just change color or am I drunk? You know what, on second thought... No more for me..."

"I don't understand... How did my sister come here with the instance shift but not Grass?"

“I don’t… I…”

Violet curls up in a ball on the couch

“I don’t know I don’t know where is she where WHERE IS SHE?!”

Violet is now a DEEP color of blue

"You are DEFINITELY changing color..." She laughs stupidly

Blally walks over to Violet and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry... We will find her... Somehow. I won't rest until we do."

Violet has a sad look with tears flowing down her face as she nods

Blally's crown shimmers as if it's made of sparkling crystal, even though it is a silver metal. It's beautiful. Violet wishes you could enjoy it, but at the moment you can't. 

“I… thanks Blally…”

She smiles reassuringly.

“I’m gonna go for a walk… I’ll see you all later.”

Violet walks out the door, walking into the woods, deciding to fly, flying to the woods of Meridian, crying as her tears land from below


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