Down The Rabbit Hole (3/18/23)

Nearby, Violet can hear what sounds to be stone clinking together, and a soft, feminine voice going, "ow!"


Violet walks towards to voice

Violet finds a young lady with pale skin and straight black hair tied up in two buns bandaging her arm. She appears to have many other places wrapped up and bandaged, even in casts. She's wearing some dirty and torn up clothes, just a t shirt, old boots with socks underneath, and some old sweatpants. She has black feathered dragon wings and has a garnet crystal necklace on. She doesn't seem to notice Violet.

Violet stays a bit away but moves closer

“Hello? Are you hurt? Can I help you?” 

She definitely hears Violet as her eyes widen slightly, but she ignores Violet as she continues wrapping her arm. A shimmer of mint green can be seen under the wrapping for just a second.

Violet moves closer, trying to see if she can anyway that she can see, or notice anything about her that is off or that may identify them

“Everything alright? Are you bleeding? I can try and help if you want?”

"Nno I'm not bleeding-" She tries to quicken the process, finishing wrapping and trying to stand up, but having to lean on a tree.

“You clearly are. Please rest… I mean no harm.”

Violet is taking several mental notes on her

"We only bleed Impurity you'll die if you get close- im telling you im not bleeding-" She speaks quickly, nervously.

“Then I’m curious, what was that mint green I saw?” 

"NOTHING." She looks almost like she's on the verge of tears.

“Ok… ok ok.”

Violet leans on a tree

“So… what’s your name? Or do you not want me to ask that question to?”

"Faustus," she's breathing heavily.

“Nice name! Names Violet. Can I help you some how? Shelter? Answers? Anything?”

"Nno just leave-"

Violet fidgets with her Sorath necklace, wishing she was filled with knowledge like gods to help her

“Why do you wish me to leave?”

Violet asks in a calm tone

"Because-" She huffs, not making eye contact but very clearly looking around. "I'm- uhm.. Im dangerous-"

Violet moves so that she can looks into Faustus’s eyes

“Look. I know that’s a lie, let’s just talk this out. Why do you really want me to leave. From demon to demon.”

Faust still avoids eye contact. She's visibly shaking.

"Jjust please goaway-" Her voice cracks as she speaks, still leaning against the tree.

Violet backs away a bit, but sits down

“Look, I’m not just gonna leave you here like this.”

Violet try’s to think on how to open up or make her trust her

“So… you have any hobby’s? I like to garden and do research. How about you?”

"Sstop it justleave-" Tears begin to run from her eyes.

Violet sighs, following her by gliding next to her

“Please… I just want to talk and understand. Why are you here and not hell? Unless you are taking a vacation or something then good for you.”

"Yes I'm on vacation-"

“I know your lying, because your not good at it. Can you tell me to truth please… I just want to help and understand what is going on.”

"Idont need your hhelp just go-"

Violet sighs

“Fine have it your way.”

Violet summons vines and quickly ties her around a tree

“Now will you PLEASE calm down. And enough lying.”

Some cracking can be heard as this happens. Faustus breaks down in sobs.

“Looks please just tell me why your really here…”

Violet eyes turn a bit red like to mood ring she is

“And stop your crying… please.”

Shes gone completely nonverbal and is just crying.

Violet looks to see if there is any bandages she has on a restrained part of her. If she does, Violet grabs a USB from her bag, as she unwraps her said bandage

“I guess I have to get answers the hard way.”

Underneath the bandages are cracks in her skin, revealing mint green gemstones with thin amounts of Impurity flowing through the cleavages.

She is still sobbing.

Violet puts the USB up to the Impurity, making sure it does not touch her. She crosses her fingers, hoping it will work

Nothing happens.

“Hmm dang it… how does this work…”

Violet wants to touch the Impurity out of curiosity but stops herself, knowing it would kill her

Violet try’s to think on the options she has… what to do with the sobbing girl…

She's still crying. The gemstones under her skin seem really.. fragile.

Violet examines her closely, summoning a cloth and stuffing it in her mouth

“Will you shut up?!”

Violet picks off a part of gem on her leg, somewhere she won’t miss it

Violet examines it curiously

It's phosphophyllite. Easily broken.

She screams in pain, muffled by the cloth.

Violet paces back and forth

Back and forth

Violet keeps hearing the screaming and cry’s from the breakable girl

Violet turns red all of a sudden as she quickly turns to her


Violet quickly in one swing with a whip of thorns, slices her head off

Her head falls to the ground and shatters into a geode of phosphophyllite, a reservoir of Impurity in the middle. The rest of her body stiffens up, hardening into completely solid stone.

Violet picks up the geode, looking in the reflection, seeing herself as she does not want to be as she realizes what she has done

“Oh my gods… OH MY GODS… what… what have I DONE?! I just wanted to help… I just wanted… I just want ANSWERS! Why couldn’t you just LISTEN!”

Violet backs up, freaking out as one thought comes to her mind though out her panic

Hide the body

Violet summons a tree from the ground, surrounding the body

Violet backs up against a tree as she starts to hyperventilate, trying to make herself not cry

She would be just like the dead crystal if she cried

The pieces will sell plentifully! This is a rare color.

Violet still holds the geode, grasping her Sorath sigil as she breaths heavy, praying forever thing to just stop

Praying for a different spot in this puzzle of destruction


Even just a small piece would probably sell for at least half a thousand dabloons!

Violet thinks and thinks of what to do… she needs to get rid of the evidence in her hand

Violet try’s to draw the sigil of what the cat drew, on a tree, hoping it would work, knowing deep down it won’t

It does nothing


Violet punches the tree, making her hand hurt as she runs into the woods, looking for anything. A door, a staircase, anything that will take the gem to get rid of it

Violet stops at some point, after she runs out of energy and just leans in on a tree, trying not to cry as she just looks at the geode, thinking about what she has done

Violet sits down as she try’s to calm down

“Let’s just breathe…”

Violet opens her laptop

“Website searching… that should hopefully calm me down! It’s distracting… just…”

Violet looks to the geode

“She was gonna die anyway! I was just… helping… yea… helping.”

She pockets the geode in her bag as she types away at her computer


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