Soul Stealing (3/27/23)

Violet appears in a puff of red smoke

Scars are now shown on her body as she now wears a red dress, complimented with red eye shadow. Her skin and hair seeming to have changed back to it's original color

A crown of thorns is shown piecing her head

Violet clutches her head a bit but then composes herself

"Much work to be done... A fight is brewing and I need an upper hand..."

Violet quantum jumps to Cole Industries Factory

With distorted younger, then older, then back to normal Violet appears

Violet walk into the factory with intent, the door knob is still on the ground with the door wide open

Violet walks in and makes her way to where to souls are at. The souls are contained in a glass tubes that have keypads with a fingerprint sensor attached

Violet looks around for a piece of paper or something that the password might be written down on

There's various papers that have grease covering them but nothing that seems like it would be a password

Violet thinks and steps outside, remembering a building that was outside. She starts flying towards Cole Industries Office, hoping this is where to password and any other note worthy things might be

Violet arrives at the building, walking inside and looking for any identification of where the paper work might be

It's a standard office lobby with gold and white accents, there's some couches with small glass tables and such. There's a Man at a marble receptionist desk idly doing some paper work.

Violet walks up to the man

"Good evening sir. Hope you are functioning on this fine evening?"

He looks up and sighs as he puts the papers down

"it's functioning, what can i help you with?"

"I wish to see the passwords for the CGI factory."

Violet says with a smile

He looks slightly confused as he clears his throat

"i'm sorry? that's uh that's not open to customers"

“I’m sorry, I don’t think you understand”

Violet summons ropes of thorns around the man, only inches away from him

“Passwords please.”

The man quickly stammers out as he glances around

"door at the end of the hallway please don't hurt me"

Violet keeps the thorns there, making sure he presses no emergency button, if there is one, or runs to get help. Violet makes her way down the hallway to the last door, opening it up

It's a dark room with a very professional atmosphere, there's a leather chair with golden studs behind a mahogany desk with filing cabinets that line the back wall, there's also a framed photo of a golden pickaxe

Violet rolls her eyes at the room, knowing it is clearly Cole’s office. Violet moves towards the filing cabinets, trying to open them, rummaging through the papers for info, mostly for the password

the filing cabinets are full of manilla folders that have various papers inside, mostly boring inventory and money paper work but a folder with a red stamp that reads "DO NOT SHARE" catches your eye and it has the following documents, there's also a sticky note on the inside back of the folder that has "soul password = 5529865" written on it in sharpie, in fancy cursive no less

List of units

Security force: Usually deployed to protect the CEO and or an asset that is being deployed, they are equipped with the exoskeleton armor and laser rifles.

Chemical team: Usually deployed to a toxic enviroment or to deploy crowd control devices, they are equipped with hazmat suits and laser rifles.

Destroyer force: A team of mechs, Chainsaw units, and the Chemical units, usually deployed to scorched earth events and or to break through a heavily defended area.

Chainsaw units: Usually deployed along side Mechs, they are equipped with heavy exoskeleton armor with chainsaw swords.

Drone operators: A team of highly skilled people to operate the drones that could be deployed.

Flame units: Usually deployed to scorch an area of evidence, they are equipped with flame retardant suits and flamethrowers.

Unit 001: This unit has only ever been deployed once for testing, it has been shown to have supernatural strenght and speed along with various other powers it's face has never been shown and it's voice seems distorted and gargly like something liquidy is in it's mouth.

Times each unit has been deployed:

Security force: 10

Chemical team: 1 

Destroyer force: 1

Chainsaw units: 2

Drone operators: 0

Flame units: 20

Unit 001: 1
Customer Database
Current customers: Nyx

Note: Do not ever stop selling to her, she makes us good fucking money and it gives me leverage over her
Incident report #1

An employee got trapped inside of the mech manufacturing machines and for lack of a better term got mangled into a living mech that screamed and wailed as it burst through a brick wall and was later captured by the Destroyer units.

People involved:

Mark Garcia
All deployed Destroyer units
Incident report #2

A breach in a container of toxic chemicals caused an evacuation of the factory, the chemical team was deployed to assist with cleaning and disinfecting the building.

People involved:
Chemical team
Factory workers
Transcript start

C: What seems to be the issue, viper?
V: We can't uh seem to make the drugs you want for the chainsaw units
C: ...
V: Cole?
C: If you can't find them or make them soon, i will have to do it myself and you know how well that went last time.
V: Right we will uh we will get that sorted right away Cole i promise

Transcript end
Transcript start

V: Hey uh i heard we were having issues with manufacturing?
M: Yeah, the idiot ordered the wrong crystal
V: I wouldn't go that far
M: Or what? he's gonna join the chat?
C: Yes, yes i infact will so i suggest you watch your tongue
M: ....
V: ....
C: I will order the correct crystal, until then resume manufacturing of the laser rifles
M: Yes sir
C: Don't call me that.

Transcript end
Transcript start

C: what kind?
C: very well, i'm dispatching the destroyer team
C: you know why
C: right well if it helps at all, you aren't expendable

Transcript end

Violet notes everything down on her phone, leaving the room and making her way down the hall back towards the entrance

The man is sitting there shaking in fear while looking around nervously at the vines

Violet turns to him before she leaves

“You tell anyone that I was here, you trust me I will know, I will make sure you don’t see the light of day again. Vivisepulture sounds great for you if so.”

Violet releases the vines as she leaves, making her way back to the factory

He nods and shakily returns to his small stack of papers

Violet arrives back at the factory, heading her way to the souls, grabbing a piece of tape while she looks around

Violet heads to the keypad and inputs the code


A seamless glass door unlocks and springs open as the canister opens 

Violet walks over, making sure nothing will go off before opening the door and looking in the canister 

There's a single corrupted looking soul, black and green tissue thinly covers the outside with black smoke wisps faintly coming off of it

Violet grabs all 6 souls and makes her way outside

Violet places that on the ground, as she summons the vessels, huge plant like monsters that different in shape and type

Violet places the souls in the vessels, watching them come to life as their exterior turns to a neon green and black exterior due to the soul

Violet looks to her creatures with a stern look

“You will obey me. You will get your fill of blood lust served. But now you wait below the surface. Wait for my call.”

They nod, sinking, drilling into the ground

Violet stands there for a moment, with smile

There's a distinctive clack of dress shoes heading towards the factory

Violet looks to see if there is enough time to hide, if so she fly’s to the roof to hide but watch. If not, she will wait their soon arrival

there's enough time to hide, Cole in a black suit with gold accents steps into the factory with a professional stride and stance


Cole calmly walks over to the canisters and shakes his head

"we really need to fix that door"

Violet just watches and stares at Cole from where she is

The clack of his shoes echo across the factory floor as he inspects the area

"though, might need to replace those souls"

Cole shakes his head

"but what idiot would steal souls? what the fuck would they use them for?"

Cole sighs as he walks back over to the canisters and closes the glass doors on them

"fucking idiotic"

Violet rolls her eyes, thinking with a grin

Violet summons a vine behind Cole, trying to impale him, hoping this would slow that idiot down

Cole is impaled through the leg as he groans loudly and he glances down

"Hmm, i really wonder who could have done that"

Cole's professional demeaner is gone in seconds

"i really wonder who controls vines and dislikes me"

Violet try’s her best to impale him more with other vines, twisting the already impaled vine in more

Cole is impaled through his other leg and arms as he groans loudly


A mixture of Cole's blood and coolant is pooling on the floor as he desperately reaches into his jacket and fishes around for something

Violet summons a vine to move the jacket away from him, as well as trying to impale to hand that reaches for whatever he is looking for

Violet flys down

“Well, well, well… I hope you did not need whatever was in that jacket!”

Cole's jacket is ripped off as Cole winces from his hand being impaled

"i did actually but like that matters to you, i'm assuming your the one who took the souls?"

Cole's breathing is struggling to stay under control as his eyes flicker between pink and hazel

“Now who else would?”

Violet says, looking inside his jacket for what he might have been looking for. Making sure Cole stays down by looking at him now and then, impaling him more if any movement is made of escape

Cole stays still as he continues to struggle to control his breathing, there's a loose silver coin with a pickaxe on it in Cole's jacket that seems to be what he was looking for

Violet grabs it, holding it in her hand

“Now if you don’t mind. I’m gonna go. I have parasite to take care of.”

Violet says and she is seen young, then old, then back to her normal self as she disappears in a distortion

Cole disappears with a cough


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