Talking To Helping Hands (3/18/23 - 3/19/23)

Conversation Between Luna Gray and Violet Naomi




what happened

did solaire come after you or something

No… just…

No, that’s not what happened


well uh

whatever happened on your end, uh

just stay safe

I'm assuming it's got to do with naomi stuff. Like no offense to y'all over there, but it's a bit too chaotic for me to keep up. High Five Friends is my limit and even that is kinda...

No it does not...

Just.. If you want to talk about it I'm in the woods

Is it safe?

...The woods? Yea I think so



I'll head out in a few then.

Violet shuts her laptop

"Just breath... just... just breath! It's all gonna be fine..."

Luna appears right near Violet. Having the ability to teleport directly next to friends sure comes in handy at times. She speaks, her voice soft and sweet as per usual. 

"What's going on?"

Violet looks to Luna, Violet's eyes now a blueish color as her eyes are also a bit red from the crying

"I... I did something... something terrible..."

Luna tilts her head, but her demeanor is still as warm as it's always. protecting her friends is her biggest goal.


"I... don't know why... I... I just attacked and..."

Violet pulls the geode out of the bag

"Now she's dead because of me... I didn't mean to harm her! I swear!"

Violet is tearing up, and probably making Luna very confused

Okay you know that warm demeanor? It's quickly replaced with confusion. Pure, unadulterated confusion. She scratches the back of her neck trying to understand what Violet's talking about, but it's honestly failing miserably.

"Wha... who? What?"

Then again, this is where Luna excells. She's always wanted to be a detective.

"I... I killed a demon... I didn't mean to... I don't want to harm anyone..."

Violet curls up into a ball

"I just wanted to understand her... but she won't stop crying and... and I snapped..."

Violet holds the geode

"This... is all that is left of her... kinda..."

Luna continues to blink in utter confusion but is slowly coming to terms with Violet's testimony. She takes a deep breath and speaks.

" killed a demon because they wouldn't talk? Did they attack you first?" 

She's slowly becoming slightly fearful in her movements. The memories of Sparrow are haunting her a little bit.

"Did you even think for a moment that... maybe they just wanted to be left alone? You said they were crying."

"I know I know I KNOW....It's all my fault... I'm selfish... I'm a murder... I don't want to go back to my old ways... please... I don't..."

Luna winces in pain a little bit and backs up. 

"That's a no on the question I asked then. So allow me to understand. There was some demon in the forest, probably experienced something bad considering the crying. You probably talked to them to ask questions, cuz no offense Violet, but you're rather inquisitive. They didn't respond... so... you ended them?"

"Something doesn't add up. Why the crystal?" 

"I... snapped... I just wanted her to shut up... the crystal is from her head... I... didn't want to..."

Luna takes another deep breath. This whole 'i didn't want to' spiel is slowly getting on her nerves.

"...clearly you did. Own up to your own misgivings before you get manipulated again. You murdered someone who didn't want to talk. That was crying about something. You could've left them alone, maybe come back to them when they stopped. But no you kept pressing. And when they wouldn't... gah." 

So that whole warm demeanor is gone. It's cold.

"I... I did... I wanted them to stop... so I shut them up... I'm so sorry..."

Luna shakes her head. "It's too late for sorry. Fucking do better."

"I can only try...."

Violet just looks down at the ground

"Trying is fine. That's all I ever ask from people. I'm sorry I laid into you like that, but I'm worried someone is gonna try and take you back to the dark side.

"I'm worried to... I truly don't want to go bad to where I was. I have come to far to go back..."

"Then do something about it.. Don't let the temptations of power or whatever the FUCK byleth offered you deter you from what you want! There is only one person capable of fighting back and that's you. You are on your own unfortunately. Hinata and I can't be there 24/7 to protect you. And the kiss wants nothing to do with you after May."

She sounds harsh, but Violet might be able to tell it's coming from a place of love.

Violet stands slowly and gives Luna a nod

"Alright. I'll try my best. I'll fight back... until my dying breath. I'll earn to be here with everything I do."

"Thank you. I gotta get back home."

Luna disappears without another word.

Violet sighs

"I got this... I got this. I can do it."

Conversation Between Chris Garnet and Violet Naomi

Violet, can we talk?

Hm? Yea I guess we can

Where would be alright with you?

Anywhere you want. I’m currently in the woods but if you want to meet somewhere in the city that would be fine as well

No, that would be alright.


Violet’s typing away at her phone

Chris knocks on a tree, signaling his presence.


Violet perks up, looking around to find Chris. Violet cheerfully waves at him, walking towards him

“Hello Chris, hope you are well?”

"I am well, thanks."

Chris leans on a tree.

"Hope this doesn't disturb you too much?"

“Hm? Oh of course not. Fine by me.”

Violet looks to the sky thinking then back to Chris

“So… why did you want to talk?”

"Heard some rather... distressing news, let's say. I just want to find out what happened that night."

“Oh… I see.”

Violet sits down on a log just taking a breath in

“There was this… demon. Their name was Faustus. They seemed very hurt with bandages all over them and casts. I thought I would try to help but she kept running and cry and wanted to be left alone… I could not… or did not want to process that fact. I tried them up to a tree, looking at their fragile crystal skin… it looked so breakable and she would. Not. Stop. Crying… so in a fit of rage I just... snapped. I cut her head clean off... and so the task was done."

Violet let's out a sigh

"So their you have it."

Violet looks to Chris

"I hope your happy." 

"Right now I'm just a gatherer of facts, Violet. 'tis unfair to pass a judgement without all the facts."

"I see... well thank you for doing that instead of letting your first instinct be the first to be shown. Shows that you care."

"Please don't equate being patient to see the facts with caring. I am withholding judgement purely because I want to hear it from you. I'm still quite appalled by your action, don't get me wrong, but I want to know the reason why." 

"I... I really just..."

Violet is silent for a moment

"I would say, 'I truly don't know Chris'... but I know it's not true. She looked so fragile... so sad so weak... I felt like I was doing her favor of shutting her up and hopefully put her in a better place... I don't know... I know I was wrong. I blame only but myself."

"So you feel like you're putting someone out of their misery?"

Chris sits down on the log, next to Violet.

"I bet that's one of the reasons... to be honest I think it's because she was getting on my nerves... It's very selfish I know. It was all in the heat of the moment. I had no clue at what I done until I looked at myself in the reflection of their skin. Then I knew I was... I am a monster..."

"Would you have done it differently?"

"If I stayed calm and thought it though? In a heartbeat."

"And you're sorry for what you've done?"

"Yes I am. Deeply." 

"We're moving into a bit of hypothetical here, but given a different scenario where the actions you can do are the same, would you have done what you have done?"

"No... If I could go back and do something different I would just... let her be. I would leave her alone." 


Chris gives out his hand.


Violet takes his hand

Chris shakes her hand.

"Please refrain from your more murderous impulses."

"I will. Thank you Chris... really."

Violet shakes his hand

"'tis no problem. I must depart now, but I hope you find your peace."

"I'll see you around Chris. Please be safe."

"You too. Maybe meditation or something of the kind to calm yourself. Otherwise, you're quite able, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"I might give that a try. Thank you again Chris."

"No problem. See ya around."

And with that, he walked back towards the house.

Violet waves goodbye as she goes to her phone, taking it easy


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