The Murder Spree (4/3/23)

Violet appears, so mind boggled from fighting her own mind, as she looking around for anyone to hunt down, as she see there being a faint source of light nearby.

Violet looks towards it, darting towards it

As Violet gets closer, she can see that it’s coming from an oil lantern being held by a scared looking person with their head hung low. Violet looks at the person with a grin

“Well hello there! What might be poor old you doing here?”

The person in question seems to be wearing a Victorian-esc suit and mumbling something as they walk along, seemingly not able to hear Violet.

Violet looks curious to them

“Very rude to not respond to someone speaking to you.”

Violet look to them trying to hear what they are saying

They are continuously muttering “I must find Jean”

“Find Jean? Whatever you say!”

Violet kicks them to the ground, summoning a sword, reading to strike them down, curious if they do anything in their last moments, aiming chest area

They get sliced in two and fall to the ground. But, with the sound of ropes going taught, the person is back up right, still walking and muttering.

“What in the?!”

Violet looks very confused, trying to see where they are walking to

They are walking to no where in particular as the forest seems to look all the same.

Violet pokes them, like inspecting an animal

“What are you?”

“You looking for Jean buddy?”

It doesn’t seem like they can see Violet, or even notice Violet. 

Violet grabs them by the hair, forcing them to look at her

"Hey! Looks at me when I'm speaking!"

They don’t react to this as they try to continue walking.

Violet sighs, summons a wall of vines around the two of them, forcing them to stop walking

They continue walking into the wall, like some npc with bad pathing, always mumbling with that oil lantern still held firmly.

Violet unsummons the vines, thinking to herself


Violet grabs their oil lantern and smashes it on the ground

They are now engulfed in flames, stumbling forward a bit before turning into a pile of ash with a little speck sticking out.

Violet grabs the speck, examining it

It’s a piece of paper with the name ‘Noel’ written on it in messy ink, the O being stylized to look like an 8.

"Noel? Hm. Weird dude. Oh well!"

Violet searched the ash for anything else

Violet finds that there is a ring, besides that nothing of note. Said note has been taken.

Violet takes to ring, examining it before pocketing it

She looks around, making sure the weird fellow did not just respawn or something

She's dead

Violet kicks the pile of ash, as she starts walking over towards the city.

Violet starts walking around, looking for some on the let all her anger on to

There are a couple white robed New Moons just walking around the city. They're just minding their own business, and they're holding hands too!

Violet approaches their direction rapidly, knife in hand

Well, they're used to being in the city, so hearing someone rush towards their direction gets them concerned. They turn around and see a crazed woman with a knife. 

"Can we help you?" one of them ask, a feminine voice. The other one, another feminine figure, stays silent. 

Violet stops dead in her traces. What is she doing....

Violet grabs her head, crawling at the thorn crown, then stops

No. This is the right thing to do. The world needs a restart, she is their savoir

Violet grips the knife, trying to attack the one who spoke 

The one who spoke gets stabbed in the shoulder.

The other feminine voice screams in fright, calling out their name. "Marie!"

As the one gets stabbed, they pull out a pocket knife of their own and attempt to stab Violet back. In the right arm.

Violet attempts the summon a vine to block the pocket knife attack, as Violet keeps slashing at, in her mind, the soon to be corpse of Marie

The attack is blocked successfully as Marie's shoulder gets torn to shreds. Not only the shoulder, but also her chest and neck areas, until her previously white robe is stained crimson. Marie collapses to the ground and dies shortly after, but not before calling out to her girlfriend.

"gem,,, runn..." 

Gem hightails it out of there.

Violet turns to Gem, paying to attention to Marie for a moment

"Ohhh Gem! Don't you want to join your little friend here in the afterlife as well!"

Violet rush towards Gem, readying to strike as her at her chest area

Gem is surprisingly quick. It may take a bit more effort to catch up with her.

Violet sighs

"Run for your life little vermin! I will find you and you can't run forever!"

Violet stops as she goes back to Marie, searching her body

Marie doesn't have much on her. 

She had a cellphone, her keys, a wallet with $1, and a picture of Gem and herself at the beach before the sky turned red. They seemed like just the sweetest couple around. 

Too bad you killed them eh?

Oh and the pocket knife. But it appears rather worn out and not even sharp.

Violet stares at the picture of Gem and Marie for a good minute, thinking of her and Grass...

She wants it all to stop... she never wanted this...

The thorns dig in more into her skull as she screams, making it's influence known

Violet curls onto the ground in pain... wanting this all to end

She never asked for this place in the puzzle of life

Violet is gonna be curled, on the ground for a good 10 minutes before she eventually gets up and is walking around, summoning a cloke to hide herself in around the city before flying and returning home


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